
To better understand and meet the requirements of GB/T41871-2022 Requirements for Technology on Information Security for Car’s Data Processing, the Automotive Working Group has invited experts from the standard’s drafting team to give a presentation on the implementation of the standard and share valuable insights.

  • 2023-09-21 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • European Chamber 中国欧盟商会
Members only

The reform of Chinese state assets and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has long remained the core element of China’s economic reform process. In 2015 the Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Reform of State-owned Enterprises (Guiding Opinions) was released as the key framework document to further modernize and improve the overall competence of SOEs. Successively, in 2020, the Three-year Action Program of SOE Reform (2020-2022) (Three-year Action Program) was issued and elaborated on the goals, timeline and future road map of the reform, which proves Chinese government’s ambition for the SOE system to make real changes.


  • 2023-09-21 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • Signature Ballroom B, Hilton Beijing

Throughout the past few years, the EU has been revamping its regulatory toolbox, the European Chamber brings to you the Interpreting the EU’s Toolbox Series, where experts will provide an overview of the instruments that are being rolled out. The second episode of the series will focus on the International Procurement Instrument (IPI), which officially entered into force sixty days following its publication in the Official Journal of the EU on 30th June 2022. On Thursday 14th September at 16:00, Ms Lilia Petrova and Mr Nicolas Grosse, Trade Affairs Officers at the European Commission, will provide an online overview of the IPI.

  • 2023-09-14 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • Zoom
Members only

2022年12月13日,工信部发布了《工业和信息化领域数据安全管理办法(试行)》 。《办法》作为工业和信息化领域数据安全管理顶层制度文件,将贯彻落实《数据安全法》等法律法规有关要求,指导工业和信息化领域数据安全的实施落地。为此,《办法》提出了一系列合规要求,包括但不限于将数据分为一般数据、重要数据、核心数据并进行分类分级管理,重要数据、核心数据目录备案,以及加强数据全生命周期安全管理。

鉴于《办法》 对企业的重要性,中国欧盟商会有幸邀请工信部网络安全管理局数据安全处张洪副处长莅临工作组闭门会议,就《办法》有关要求、实施情况、前期试点工作经验以及后续工作重点进行解读 ,并与企业交流 ,促进企业的合规工作。

  • 2023-09-11 | 14:30 - 15:50
  • European Chamber Beijing Office
Members only

The European Chamber GA Forum is delighted to invite you to join our Forum activity with the topic of EU Economic Security Strategy and China-EU Economic and Trade Relations (欧盟经济安全战略与中欧经贸关系) on Friday 8th September 2023 at 10:00-11:30 AM.

  • 2023-09-08 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • European Chamber Beijing Office C405
Members only

The European Chamber is pleased to invite you to join our next working group meeting on 5th September 15:00-16:00, where, in a session moderated by NBFI Working Group Chair Renato di Chiara, Ms Wei Yao, Head of Research & Chief Economist, APAC, at Société Générale, will provide an analysis of all of these trends. The meeting will take place online and offline at the European Chamber Shanghai office.

  • 2023-09-05 | 15:00 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai offices, Unit 2204, Shui On Plaza, 333 Huai Hai Zhong Road,Shanghai | Zoom
Members only

On Tuesday 1st August, the Carbon Market Working Group welcomes Ms. Liu Haiyan from the National Centre for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) to debrief members on the details of the Administrative Measures, and discuss opportunities and challenges for enterprises with Dr. Zhang Da from the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economics, Tsinghua University and Ms. Yutong Song from Refinitiv Carbon Research team. Kindly note the meeting will be conducted in Chinese.

  • 2023-08-01 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • European Chamber Office Beijing | Zoom
Members only

On Monday 24th July, Mr Xavier Vanden Bosch and Mr David Boublil at the European Commission’s DG TAXUD, will debrief members on the details of the CBAM. If you are interested in joining, please register before Friday 21st July COB.

  • 2023-07-24 | 15:00 - 16:00
  • Online
Members only

中国欧盟商会汽车工作组很高兴邀请您于6月27日(星期二)14:00-16:20 参与工作组会议——汽车行业碳减排系列(二)之“碳交易”。

The European Chamber Automotive Working Group is pleased to invite you to a working group meeting--- Decarbonisation of Automotive Industry Series (II) “Carbon Trade” on Tuesday, 27th June, 14:00-16:20, at the European Chamber Beijing Office.

* 会议将会以中文进行
* The meeting will be conducted in Chinese

  • 2023-06-28 | 14:00 - 16:20
  • European Chamber Office Beijing, Office C405
Members only

Connect and engage with the European business and diplomatic community in Beijing!

  • 2023-06-27 | 18:00 - 21:00
  • Poolside Penthouse, 3F, CHAO Hotel