Archive for 2017

Southwest China > Social

Exclusive Business Dinner with Swiss Delegation

VIP Dinner

  • 2017-11-30 | 18:30 - 21:00
  • Niccolo Hotel Chengdu
Members only

Find out business opportunities between China and Schleswig-Holstein 发现中国与德国石荷州的商机

  • 2017-11-29 | 09:15 - 11:30
  • Dalian Room, 3F, Kempinski Hotel Chongqing 重庆凯宾斯基酒店3楼大连厅

To learn about the Chamber’s recent European Tour

  • 2017-11-28 | 18:30 - 21:30
  • Boardroom 4F, Regent Hotel Chongqing 重庆丽晶酒店4楼董事会厅


  • 2017-11-22 | 13:30 - 16:40
  • Grand Ballroom, Hyatt Regency 富力凯悦酒店大宴会厅

Factory Tour

  • 2017-11-21 | 09:00 - 14:10
  • Unilever Factory & Dow Chemical Company

Experience Danish fashion and design 领略丹麦时尚与设计

  • 2017-11-18 | 14:00 - 21:00
  • G Level, Easy Home 居然之家金源店G层中庭

Philips Chengdu Plant Visit

  • 2017-07-25 | 13:00 - 16:40
  • Philips Chengdu Plant

Learn to negotiate efficiently

  • 2017-07-05 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Jinsha & Longquan Room, 4F, Sheraton Chengdu Lido Hotel 成都天府丽都喜来登饭店四楼金沙龙泉厅

Full day training

  • 2017-07-04 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Long Men Room, 4F, Regent Chongqing 丽晶酒店4楼龙门厅

Exclusive Policy Interpretation on Chengdu Environment Protection Situation and Tips for Indoor Air Quality Protection

  • 2017-01-17 - 2017-01-17 | 14:30 - 17:00
  • Niccolo Chengdu, 7th Floor