Advocacy Actions

2023-11-14 > Beijing, Shanghai

Joint Working Group Meeting for Discussion on the Product Quality Law

On 14th November, over fifty participants from various working groups attended the meeting to discuss the newly published Product Quality Law.

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2023-11-10 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Mr. Pawel Bienkowski, Programme Manager, Promotion of Agricultural Products, DG Agri

On 10th November, Ms. Ran Qin, Ms. Elsie Deng and Mr. Connor Yin met with Mr. Pawel Bienkowski, Programme Manager, Promotion of Agricultural Products, and Ms. Aleksandra Leopolt, DG Agri

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2023-11-01 > Beijing

Input to China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) on rPET issue

On 1st November 2023, the Environment Working Group submitted collated comments to the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) on rPET issues.

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2023-10-15 > Beijing

Call for Comments on GB 7718 National Food Safety Standard General Rules for the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods (Draft for Comment)

On 15th October, the AFB Working Group, the Dairy Industry Desk, the Paediatric Nutrition Desk and the FSMP Advisory Committee submitted call for comments on the National Food Safety Standard General Rules for the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods (Draft for Comment).

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2023-09-17 > Beijing

Call for Comments on Revision No. 2 of the National Standard of Restricting Excessive Packaging of Commodities Food and Cosmetics (Draft for Comment)

On 17th September, the Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group and the Cosmetics Working Group submitted a call for comments on Revision No. 2 of the National Standard of Restricting Excessive Packaging of Commodities Food and Cosmetics (Draft for Comment).

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2023-09-15 > Beijing

AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, PN Desk and FSMP AC Meeting with EUD

On 15th September, 2023, the secretariat met with EUD Agri counsellor and Trade counsellor counsellor to debrief on key concerns from the AFB WG, PN desk, FSMP desk, and Dairy Industry desk.

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2023-09-03 > Beijing

European Chamber Spoke at the 2023 CIFTIS: Global Green Development and Carbon Neutrality Thematic Conference

On 3rd September 2023, the European Chamber supported the Global Green Development and Carbon Neutrality Thematic Conference under the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), which was co-organised by International Green Economy Association (IGEA) and World Business Council of Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in China National Convention Centre in Beijing. Mr Ruixin Li, National Chair of the Carbon Market Working Group of the European Chamber, delivered a keynote speech in the High-level Thematic Roundtable: EU CBAM and China's Industrial Dual Circulation Strategy.

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2023-08-18 > Beijing

Development Center of Science and Technology of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Industrial Symposium on Genetically Modified Microorganism Issues

On August 18th, the Agriculture, Food and Beverage (AFB) Working Group met with representatives of Development Center of Science and Technology of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

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2023-08-10 > Beijing

Call for Comments on the GB 14880 National Food Safety Standard - Standard for the Use of Food Nutrition Fortfiers (Draft for Comments)

On 10th August, the Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Dairy Industry Sub-working Group, FSMP Advisory Committe and Paediatric Nutrition Sub-working Group submitted call for comments on the National Food Safety Standard - Standard for the Use of Food Nutrition Enhancers (Draft for Comments).

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2023-08-04 > Beijing

Comments on Related Technical Requirements and Interpretation of Health Food Ingredients - Nutrient Supplements (2023 Edition) and Other Three Related Documents

On 4th August, the Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group submitted comments to the State Administration for Market Regulation on Related Technical Requirements and Interpretation of Health Food Ingredients - Nutrient Supplements (2023 Edition), Catalogue of Health Function Claims Allowed for Health Food - Nutrient Supplements (2023 Edition), Catalogue of Health Food Ingredients - Soy Protein Isolate, and Catalogue of Health Food Ingredients - Whey Protein (Draft for Comment).

Comments on Three Documents including "Health Food Raw Material Soybean Isolate Protein Whey Protein Recorded Product Dosage Forms and Technical Requirements (Draft)" and other documents are open for public comments.

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