Advocacy Actions

2023-11-14 > Beijing, Shanghai

Joint Working Group Meeting for Discussion on the Product Quality Law

On 14th November, over fifty participants from various working groups attended the meeting to discuss the newly published Product Quality Law.

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2023-08-31 > All chapters

European Chamber Business Delegation Visit to Zhejiang

On 31st August and 1st September, European Chamber Vice President Carlo D'Andrea led a business delegation to visit Hangzhou and Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province.

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2022-06-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

European Chamber AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, FSMP Advisory Committee and PN Desk submitted letters to the NHC and SAMR on GB7718

On 24th June 2022, the Agriculture, Food and Beverage (AFB) Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Food for Special Medical Purpose (FSMP) Advisory Committee (AC) and Paediatric Nutrition (PN) Desk submitted letters to the National Health Commission (NHC) and the State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) to address the concerns on the newly introduced requirement on labelling respectively.

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2020-10-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to NHC on National food safety standard General Rules for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods (Consultation Draft)

On 20 October, the Food for Special Medical Purpose and Paediatric Nutrition Working Groups submitted comments to the National Health Commission on the National Food Safety Standard General Rules for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods (Consultation Draft).

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2020-09-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Lecheng Pilot Zone Administration

On 24th September, representatives from the European Chamber of Commerce in China had a meeting with officials and leaders from Lecheng Pilot Zone Administration, Hainan People's Hospital, and Super Hospital. .

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2020-08-28 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of Network Live Marketing Activities (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments to the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of Network Live Marketing Activities (Draft for Comments)

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2020-08-26 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to the SAMR on Administrative Measures on Food Labeling (Draft for Comment)

The AFB, Cheese, FSMP and PN working groups have jointly submitted comments to the SAMR on the Administrative Measures on Food Labeling (Draft for Comment) for the second time.

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2020-07-11 > All chapters

Submitted comments to the GACC on “Management Measure of Import and Export Food Safety (Draft for Comments)”

The AFB, Cheese, FSMP and PN working groups submitted jointly comments on “Management Measure of Import and Export Food Safety (Draft for Comments)” to the GACC.

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2020-06-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to the SAMR on Administrative Measures for Supervision and Inspection of Food Production and Operation (Draft for Comments)

On 19th June, the AFB, Cheese, FSMP and PN working groups submitted comments on the Administrative Measures for Supervision and Inspection of Food Production and Operation (Draft for Comments) to the SAMR.

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2020-06-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Policy Briefing on Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone

Policy Briefing on Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone

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