Advocacy Actions

2015-01-15 > All chapters

Meeting with China Association of Medical Equipment (CAME)

COCIR, MITA and CAME exchanged opinions about delelopmtent of the Medical Imaging Industry as well as "Buy China" Initatives of the NHFPC.

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2015-01-15 > All chapters

Meeting with Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA)

COCIR and MITA agreed to have regular meetings (monthly) to 1) exchange industry updates 2) discuss joint efforts on concrete industry issues if it’s appropriate 3) align lobby points with the Chinese authorities, eg. for JCCT from US side, and EU-China Regulators Dialogue.

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2015-01-13 > All chapters

Submit Comments/Recommendations to CFDA Different Departments jointly with CAMDI

Submit Comments/Recommendations to CFDA Different Departments jointly with CAMDI

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2015-01-07 > All chapters

Seminar on the Medical Software (MSW) Review Guidance to be published by CFDA

Seminar in preparation of drafting the CFDA's guidelines for evaluation of Medical Software

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2015-01-06 > All chapters

Meeting with the EU Delegation, Counsellors of Sante, Trade and Growth

Confirm regular meetings (e.g. market access meeting, eHealth round table):

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2014-12-23 > All chapters

Meeting with Ministry of Environmental Protection on RoHS Issues

Meeting with Ministry of Environmental Protection, Center of Solid Waste and Chemical Management Technology, The Contact Group on Technical Matters recently submitted amendment proposals to the draft technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electronic and electrical waste and used electrical and electronic equipment [UNEP/CHW/OEWG.9/CRP.11, 18 September 2014].

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2014-11-28 > All chapters

Annual Meeting of Investment Promotion Agency of MOFCOM, Medical Industry Committee

Industry representatives expressed expectation/suggestion for the Committee working items for Y2015, for instance suggesting the Committee to arrange high level/working level meetings with ministries on issues like equal treatment to foreign companies.

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