Advocacy Actions

2016-06-28 > Nanjing

Meeting with Deputy Director-General Zhao Zhiming, Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission (JSDRC)

On Tuesday 28th June 2016, Mr. Bernhard Weber, Board Chair of European Chamber Nanjing, visited Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission (JSDRC) and met with Mr. Zhao Zhiming, the Deputy Director-General of JSDRC.

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2016-06-22 > Nanjing

Meeting with Mr. Ma Minglong, Director General of Jiangsu Department of Commerce

On Wednesday 22nd June 2016, Mr. Bernhard Weber, the Board Chair of European Chamber Nanjing met with Mr. Ma Minglong, The Director-General of Jiangsu Department of Commerce (JSDOC). During the meeting, Mr. Weber presented Overcapacity in China to Mr. Ma and expressed the Chamber’s concerns and suggestions on the issue.

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2016-06-20 > All chapters

Submit comments to CFDA on Exemption Catalogue for Medical Device Clinical Trial (2nd Batch)

Submit industry comments to CFDA Center for Medical Device Evaluation on Exemption Catalogue for Medical Device Clinical Trial (2nd Batch)

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2016-06-08 > South China

Meeting with Guangzhou Municipal Local Taxation Bureau

The Finance and Taxation Working Group of the European Chamber, SC Chapter met Jianqiang Li, Deputy Director of Guangzhou Municipal Local Taxation Bureau.

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2016-06-06 > All chapters

Letter to Shanghai Customs on the Implementation of GAC Announcement on Manifest Management and the Supervision of Transportation Vehicle inbound and outbound China

On 6 June, 2016, the European Chamber of Commerce in China sent a letter to Shanghai Customs that addresses its concerns regarding the pilot program to be carried out on GAC Announcement on Manifest Management and the Supervision of Transportation Vehicle inbound and outbound China (CCAM)

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2016-06-03 > Shanghai, Nanjing

Exclusive Dialogue with Jiangsu Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology (JSCEIT)

On 3rd June 2016, The Exclusive Dialogue with Jiangsu Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology (JSCEIT) was held in Nanjing.

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2016-06-03 > All chapters

Submit comments to CFDA on Medical Device Technical Review and Consultation

Submit industry comments to Center for Medical Device Evaluation of CFDA on Medical Device Technical Review and Consultation that they are drafting procedures.

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2016-06-02 > All chapters

Letter to CIRC on Supervision Rules on Insurance Institutions Adopting Digitalised Operations

On 2nd June, 2016, the European Chamber of Commerce in China sent a letter to the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) that outlines its concerns regarding the Supervision Rules on Insurance Institutions Adopting Digitalized Operations (Supervision Rules).

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2016-06-02 > All chapters

Submit comments to SCLAO on Amendments to the Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices

Submit comments to Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council (SCLAO) on “Amendments to the Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices" (Amendments to the Order 650)

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2016-05-26 > Nanjing

Meeting with Deputy Director General Gao Qing, Jiangsu Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology (JSCEIT)

On Thursday 26th May 2016, Mr. Bernhard Weber, the Chair of European Chamber Nanjing Board met with Mr. Gao Qing, the Deputy Director-General of JSCEIT. During the meeting, Mr. Weber presented the report of Overcapacity in China to Mr. Gao and discussed the European Chamber’s concerns on overcapacities in China.

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