Advocacy Actions

2018-09-05 > Beijing, Shanghai

Lobby Letter to Health Food Evaluation Center of CFDA on the Impact of Marking Allergens in the Warning of Labels

The Cosmetics Working Group submitted a lobby letter on the Impact of Marking Allergens in the Warning of Labels to the Evaluation Centre. Member companies faced new requirements from the experts on the products labels, which are new requirement and without transitional period given. It will have huge impact to the industry, especially the EU brands. In addition to a lobby letter to explain that there has no urgency or necessity of have such a new requirement, we also asked for a meeting to exchange with evaluation center face to face after the National Day holiday.

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2018-08-31 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on the Second Call for Comments Draft on the Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulations (CSAR) By Ministry of Justice (MOJ)

Cosmetics Working Group submitted the comments on the Second Call for Comments Draft on CSAR by MOJ on 31 Aug. For this round of call for comments, MOJ only chose some associations and organizations to collect written comments, and EUCCC was one of the selected ones. It was a very good opportunity for members to raise concerns and make comments directly. Our comments was mainly about products management, ingredients management, equal treatment to imported products and information disclosure.

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2018-07-27 > All chapters

Comments to NPC on the E-commerce Law (Draft for Third Review)

The European Chamber's submitted collated comments on the E-commerce Law (Draft for Third Review) to the National People's Congress.

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