Advocacy Actions

2017-04-20 > Beijing

Meeting with the Dutch Embassy

The ICT and Cybersecurity Working Groups had a meeting with the Dutch Embassy to give an update on the latest cybersecurity regulatory developments and their impact on companies.

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2017-04-20 > Beijing

Propose recommendations at CIMDR Forum 2017 preparation meeting

Propose recommendations on CIMDR 2017 to CCFDIE of CFDA at the preparation meeting

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2017-04-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

20th EU-China IP Working Group

The 20th EU-China IP Working Group between the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM) and the European Commission, Directorate General for Trade (DG Trade) was held in Beijing on 20 April.

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2017-04-20 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to Qinghai HFPC on the provincial regulations for the “Two-invoice system”

Lobby Letter to the Director of the Qinghai HFPC Province on local regulations for the “Two-invoice system”

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2017-04-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

EU-China IP Working Group Meeting: Industry input session

The EU-China IP Working Group Meeting welcomed European Chamber to present the industry inputs from European business, and raised a number of piority issues. These issues were thereafter effectively raised at the actual EU-China bilateral IP Working Group meeting taking place at MOFCOM where a few couple of IPR working group members including the Chair attended as observers.

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2017-04-19 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to City Government on the "Two Invoice System" in Taiyuan

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted a lobby letter to the Leading Group on Healthcare Reform of Taiyuan City, asking for modifications of the planned "two invoice system" for procurement of medical devices.

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2017-04-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with China Food and Drug Administration

Representatives from Cosmetics Working Group of European Chamber visited CFDA to discuss in/out mechanism of ingredients in the positive lists in Safety and Technical Standards of Cosmetics, and concerns on the policies of imported non special cosmetics Pudong pilot.

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2017-04-14 > Beijing

Comments on the CFDA's "Regulation on Illegal Online Sales of Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group of the European Chamber submitted comments to the CFDA's draft "Regulation on Illegal Online Sales of Medical Devices"

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2017-04-13 > All chapters

European Chamber Meeting with Chen Deming, Former Minister of MOFCOM & Chairman of CAEFI

On the morning of 13 April, 2017, European Chamber held a meeting with Chen Deming, Former Minister of MOFCOM & Chairman of CAEFI. The meeting mainly focused on the State Council Document No.5 on Further Promoting Openness and the Utilisation of Foreign Investment (Guofa No.5).

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2017-04-11 > Beijing

Seminar on Revision of National Food Safety Standards on Processed Cheese with CFIC

China Food Information Centre (CFIC) organized a seminar to discuss the revision of National Safety Standards on Processed Cheese (GB 25192). The Cheese Industry Desk of the Chamber joined the seminar and deliver comments on the standards to the CFIC.

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