Advocacy Actions

2024-04-09 > All chapters

Meeting with European Commission Director General of the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers

On 9th April, a European Chamber delegation led by Carlo D’Andrea, Chamber Vice President and Chairman of the Shanghai Chapter, met with Ana Gallego Torres, Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers in Hangzhou.

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2024-04-09 > Beijing

Meeting with Industry Promotion Department of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)

On 9th April, European Chamber representatives received CCPIT industry promotion department counterparts and discussed the mutual cooperation plan of 2024.

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2024-04-08 > Beijing, Shanghai

Sent comments to NIFDC on two drafts for comment

Sent comments to NIFDC on two drafts for comment

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2024-04-08 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to NIFDC on two draft guidelines for Full Safety Assessment

Submitted comments to NIFDC on two draft guidelines for Full Safety Assessment

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2024-04-08 > Beijing

Seminar on the Administrative Measures for the Registration of Liquid Infant Formula and Its Supportive Documents

On 8th April 2024, the European Chamber's Paediatric Nutrition sub-working group participated in a seminar hosted by the China Nutrition and Health Food Association. The meeting discussed the revision of the Administration Measures for the Registration of Liquid Infant Formula and Its Supportive Documents.

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2024-04-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to NIFDC on two draft guidelines for Full Safety Assessment

Submitted comments to NIFDC on two draft guidelines for Full Safety Assessment

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2024-04-07 > Beijing

Dinner with the Economic Forum of the Social-Democratic Party in Germany

President Eskelund gave an overall view of the macro and geopolitical environment in China. Other attendees participated in the discussion and in the Q&A session.

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2024-04-07 > Shanghai

European Chamber Roundtable with Lingang Data Division

On 7th April, the European Chamber and the Data Division of the Lingang Management Committee held a roundtable in Lingang to discuss the Lingang’s pilot measures for the cross-border data transfer (CBDT).

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2024-04-03 > Beijing

European Chamber representatives discuss cross-border data transfer with the EU Delegation and DG TRADE

On 3rd April the Chair of the European Chamber Cybersecurity sub-Working Group and members of the secretariat met with Marjut Hannonen, Head of the Trade Section at the EU Delegation, Vanda Marcovic, Deputy Head of Unit for Services and Digital Trade at the European Commission's DG TRADE, and other representatives to discuss recent developments on cross-border data transfer.

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