Meeting with Development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government

2015-03-13 | Shanghai

On Friday 13 March, EUCCC (Shanghai) General Manager Ioana Kraft and Senior Government Affairs Manager Helei Fu visited Development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government and discussed with the Center’s officials about future cooperation on events and researches. The Center is a think-tank, advising local policy makers on development strategies and plans of the city. At present, the Center is working on its 13th FYP proposal and an evaluation report of one-year operation of CSPFTZ. On Friday 10 April, the Center will co-organise an event with Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration on the role of IP in transforming Shanghai into a global science and technology innovation center. Xiao Lin, DG of the Center, asked the EUCCC to help them invite European corporate representatives who specialize in IP and R&D to participate in this event and General Manager Ioana Kraft agreed to assist. Zhou Shixun, Director of Information Division and Office of International Exchanges & Cooperation of the Center, added that the Center, along with several other government departments, will soon start a research project of 30-year strategy for Shanghai after 2020 – what kind of vision Shanghai should have and how to build Shanghai a culture/smart power.