European Chamber Vice President Speaks at the 5th CIIE Side Event 'Europe-China Workshop on Carbon Markets'

2022-11-09 | All chapters

European Chamber Vice President Speaks at the 5th CIIE Side Event 'Europe-China Workshop on Carbon Markets'

The Europe-China Workshop on Carbon Marketsa side event of the 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, was co-hosted by Agora Energiewende, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS), and Energy Investment Professional Committee of the Investment Association of China (IAC) on Wednesday, 9 NovemberCarlo Diego D'Andrea, Vice President of the European Chamber was invited to speak as a panel expert on the national ETS from the perspective of EU businesses in China.

VP D'Andrea relayed some of the positive messages from the Chamber’s Carbon Neutrality Report and demonstrated the commitment of EU businesses to China’s climate action. On behalf of the European Chamber, he then suggested that China conduct rigorous research into EU policies, conduct transparent conversations with European states, and try to verify the EU model for monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV). More market access, he said, needs to be granted to European MRV services providers with great international track records.