Towards a circular economy: How to tackle plastic recycling

2020-11-26 | Beijing

The General Secretary Guo Zhanqiang of Circular Economy Association and Mr. LIU XueFeng attended EUCCC webinar on circular economy and plastic recycling, which is sponsored by ICIS (Independent Commodity Intelligence Service). Mr. Wen Xuefeng from Department of Solid Wastes and Chemicals, Ministry of Ecology and Environment shared presented the status quo of plastics pollution and disposal in China, and the regulatory measures on Law Enforcement and Supervision of plastics Pollution. Then, Mr. Guo Zhangqiang, Secretary General of China Association of Circular Economy shared his insights on proposals of circular economy construction and measures of effective plastics recycling in China, Mr. Jet Chang, national Chair of the Environment Working Group also briefly introduced EUCCC's advocacy points on Plastics recycling.