Study: European Business Experiences Competing for Public Contracts in China (2011)
This is the first ever report from a business perspective on public procurement in China. It is based upon in-depth interviews with senior Chamber member company executives, and builds upon consultation with Chinese government officials, academic experts and legal practitioners.
The study aims to improve the fairness, transparency and efficiency of public and government procurement in China, while offering:
- Detailed analysis of the common challenges encountered by European companies competing for public contracts in China.
- Three sector-specific case studies, including the windpower generation equipment sector, and information and communication technologies.
- Recommendations to Chinese policymakers in an effort to contribute to a mature, business-minded debate.
This study was made possible with contributions from members of the Public Procurement Working Group, the Healthcare Equipment Working Group, the ICT Working Group, the Renewable Energy Sub-Working Group, and the Legal Working Group. European Chamber members are knowledge leaders in their areas of industry, and are the chief contributors to the Chamber's influential publications. Make your contribution by becoming a member.