European Chamber Presents Recommendations on Business Environment Improvement to Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

2019-11-26 | Shanghai

European Chamber Presents Recommendations on Business Environment Improvement to Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

On 26th November, Dr Ioana Kraft, general manager (GM) of European Chamber Shanghai Chapter, presented recommendations on local business improvement to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress (SMPC). The meeting was chaired by Mr. Sha Hailin, vice chairperson (VC) of the SMPC.

On behalf of the European business community, GM Kraft shared key findings of the Chamber’s Business Confidence Survey 2019, European Business in China Position Paper 2019/2020 and The Digital Hand: How China’s Corporate Social Credit System Conditions Market Actors.

GM Kraft said, while the European Chamber recognises the Shanghai Municipal Government's continuous efforts in creating a business-friendly environment, there are still areas for further improvement. These include, but are not limited to, the unequal treatment between foreign and domestic companies, the high fees for small and medium-sized companies to participate in China's International Import Expo, and the difficulties in attracting and maintaining foreign talents due to changes to the Individual Income Tax Law. GM Kraft's remarks were echoed by other participants from foreign consulates, international schools, foreign hospitals, business community and international organisations.