Meeting with National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Membership of European Companies

2016-01-20 | Beijing

Representatives of the European Chamber's ICT and SCA Working Groups as well as the Information Security Sub-Working Group met with Mr. Xiangang Liu, Deputy Secretary-General, Ms. Xiaoli Shangguan, Assistant Director & Senior Engineer and Ms. Yuna Xu, Senior Engineer from TC260, to discuss the access of European companies to TC260.

The meeting started with an introduction to the history, general work and structure of TC260 by the secretariat. Chamber representatives then expressed their willingness to take part in TC260's standardisation work. This was followed by the two sides reviewing the development in the past several months with regard to the expansion of committee membership to foreign players, and by discussions on possible future exchanges. At the end, both sides agreed to enhance bilateral copperation.