Government Updates

2019-10-15 > All chapters

MOJ’s Public Consultation on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law (Draft for Public Consultation)

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) initiated the public consultation on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law (Draft for Public Consultation).

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2019-01-08 > All chapters

NPC: Call for Comments on Draft Foreign Investment Law

European Chamber’s member companies are welcomed to comment on the draft regulation through the Chamber.

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2013-12-09 > All chapters

CQC: Notice on the Implementation of the New Authentication Standard of Solar Collector

中国质量认证中心(英文缩写CQC)修订了自愿认证产品太阳能集热器的认证规则, 新版认证规则CQC11-448312-2013代替旧版规则CQC13-448312-2013。

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2013-12-02 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Preferential Taxation Policies Adjustment of Import Natural Gas

  根据天然气价格调整情况及有关企业申请,经研究决定,对《财政部 海关总署 国家税务总局关于对2011-2020年期间进口天然气及2010年底前“中亚气”项目进口天然气按比例返还进口环节增值税有关问题的通知》(财关税〔2011〕39号,以下简称《通知》)中有关事项进行调整,具体通知如下:

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2013-12-02 > All chapters

CQC: Notice on Implementing the Certification Rules of the New Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter


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2013-11-29 > All chapters

NDRC: Notice on Increasing the Price of Domestic Refined Oil


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2013-11-29 > All chapters

CNCA: Call for Comments on the <Photovoltaic Array Technical Specification (Draft for Filing)> Deadline: 17 December, 2013


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2013-11-26 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on Matters relating to the Exemption of Government Charges for the Amount of Distributed PV-generated Electricity for Self Use


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2013-11-15 > All chapters

NDRC: Notice on Decreasing the Price of Domestic Refined Oil


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