Government Updates

2024-06-26 > All chapters

EU Policy Intelligence and Advocacy

Updates by 24th June

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2019-11-01 > All chapters

MOJ’s Public Consultation on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law (Public Consultation)

On 1st November, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) initiated the consultation on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law (Public Consultation), which is open to the public.

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2019-10-15 > All chapters

MOJ’s Public Consultation on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law (Draft for Public Consultation)

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) initiated the public consultation on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law (Draft for Public Consultation).

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2019-01-08 > All chapters

NPC: Call for Comments on Draft Foreign Investment Law

European Chamber’s member companies are welcomed to comment on the draft regulation through the Chamber.

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2015-12-31 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments on the National Standard <General Rules on Public Resources Trading Platform Services>

各有关单位: 由全国服务标准化技术委员会归口管理,蚌埠市招标局、合肥市招标局、安徽省标准化研究院、中国科技大学管理学院等单位研制起草的《公共资源交易平台服务 总则》国家标准(国家标准计划号:20141951-T-469)现已形成征求意见稿。按照《全国专业标准化技术委员会管理规定》相关要求,该标准将于即日起进行征求意见工作。请各位相关单位下载标准征求意见稿、标准编制说明和征求意见表,并于2016年2月1日前返回修改意见和建议,无返回意见的视为无意见。

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2015-04-16 > All chapters

State Council: <Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road> Full Bilingual Version

Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road

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2015-03-10 > All chapters

About start to establish self-Inspection system of controlled key source of pollution Nationally

Source: Access Apr 16th 2015

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2015-01-28 > All chapters

Call for Comments on draft Foreign Investment Law

On 19th January, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) released a call for public comments on the Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China (Draft).

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2015-01-13 > All chapters

Government Updates 150112-150113

Government Updates 150112-150113

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