Working Group News

2014-09-01 > All chapters

The Paediatric Nutrition Desk of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Officially Launches the Rules of Conduct in Infant Formula Industry

September 1, 2014 - The Paediatric Nutrition Desk of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China officially launched the Infant Formula Industry Rules of Conduct in China (hereafter as the “Rules of Conduct), which became effective on Sep 1st, 2014. Based on the laws of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and international industry standards, the Rules of Conduct will further clarify and emphasise standards of infant formula companies for the administration and promotion of infant formula.The Rules of Conduct aims to promote the healthy development of the infant nutrition market and ensure high quality infant formula supply. Members are encouraged to adopt a voluntary mechanism of self-discipline and to comply with a well-defined compliance program for marketing of infant formula for babies ranging from newborn to six months old.

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2014-02-21 > Beijing

Finance and Taxation WG Meeting in Beijing

On 19th February

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2014-01-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining (PCR) Working Group Meeting

On 13th January, the PCR Working Group had its first working group meeting in 2014.

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2008-12-29 > All chapters

Fuel tax reform an energy milestone

The Chinese government has finally decided to start a fuel tax plan beginning January 1.

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2008-12-28 > All chapters

China knocked off IPOs top slot

Chinese stock exchanges raised just $22bn in initial public offerings in 2008. The slowdown means China will not finish the year as the leading centre for IPOs, falling behind New York for the first time since 2005.

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2008-12-28 > All chapters

China drafts first law on social insurance

China's top legislature made public Sunday a draft law on social insurance, the first of its kind in the country.

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2008-12-26 > All chapters

China's state sector urged to boost economy

Senior government officials have publicly called on China's state-owned sector to increase its dominance in the economy in response to rapidly cooling growth and plummeting profits.

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2008-12-25 > Nanjing

Manpower Q1 2009 Employment Survey released

Member's news

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