Upcoming Events


This training teaches you to sell ideas in your report through building an audience centered mindset, and will help you to better solve following challenges in workplace
- How to get my audience to agree with my viewpoint and provide support
- How to address logically and systematically
- How to present content concisely in limited time


- 切中要害,获取支持
- 逻辑性强,富有条理
- 简明扼要、突出重点


- 如何使听众同意我的观点并提供支持
- 如何有逻辑、有条理地把内容说清楚
- 如何在有限时间简明扼要地呈现内容

  • 2024-06-06 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams


  • 2024-06-11 - 2024-08-05 | 19:30 - 21:30
  • Online

Restricted group sizes, multiple interventions for each participant using formal exercises, improvisations and personal ‘in situ’ situation analysis ‐ this program creates a highly personalised environment and an individual dimension close to a coaching approach.

  • 2024-06-14 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office

本课程旨在全面提高新媒体营销运作和营销写作能力。通过人工智能技术,学员将学习如何高效、专业地完成各类文案和文件工作。课程目标包括掌握人工智能在新媒体营销运营和营销文案写作中的应用,提高营销文案写作效率和质量,学习使用经认可的人工智能工具优化营销流程。This course aims to comprehensively improve new media marketing operations and marketing writing capabilities. Through AI technology, the participants will learn how to complete various types of copywriting and document work efficiently and professionally. Course goals include mastering the application of AI in new media marketing operations and marketing document writing, improving marketing writing efficiency and quality, and learning to use approved AI tools to optimize marketing processes.

  • 2024-06-14 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou


  • 2024-06-14 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office


  • 2024-06-14 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office

Factory Visit - A Tour to Hörmann Tianjin Door Production Co., Ltd. 工厂参观 - 霍曼(天津)门业有限公司

  • 2024-06-18 | 14:00 - 16:05
  • Hörmann (Tianjin) Door Production Co.,Ltd.

With the Power plugin, EXCEL opens up the era of automation.
In the face of massive data, how to quickly extract and merge forms? How to organize into a standardized smart worksheet? How to quickly establish a flexible analysis environment, find problems and key causes, and find ways to crack the problem? How to automate the operation process? How to complete complex problem solving process easily? The conventional use of EXCEL alone seems inadequate, and the advanced version of EXCEL provides Power intelligent plug-in, which makes us enter the era of data automation, and the work becomes easy and efficient.

Excel Query plugin, a tool that improves your efficiency by 10 times.
Although the data collation does not bring much value, it can save 80% of the collation time with PQ intelligent tools. If you can build a set of intelligent data model, data can be added, deleted and changed in the automation of the process, it is no different from assembling an automated production line. This is the 10x productivity solution we've been looking for.

Excel AI plug-in, a tool that improves problem-solving ability.
The newly added AI function in the 365 version is a highlight, which automatically supports data additions and deletions, reduces repetitive work, intelligently identifies data ranges, and speeds up calculation operations. In class, we can feel the power of these functions together.

  • 2024-06-19 | 09:00 - 16:00

[A 2-DAY Offline Training] Human Resource Cost Control and Organization Human Efficiency Improvement [2天线下培训] 人力成本管控与组织人效提升

  • 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-20 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Beijing(Will confirm venue 1-2 weeks before training)

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter 2024 Badminton Tournament is coming on Saturday, June 22nd.

  • 2024-06-22 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • Victor Yu Xi Qian Ying Badminton Gym