
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Shanghai Chapter, is delighted to invite you to the online training:Tips for PPT making and presentation: learn to help your year-end work report, 9:00—16:30, 17th December. 中国欧盟商会上海分会荣幸的邀请您参与于:PPT制作与呈现:助力年终工作汇报

  • 2020-12-17 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Online

With more generations represented in today’s workforce than ever before, the differences between those generations has become more clear. Therefore, it is essential that businesses educate their teams on how to deal with and capitalize on the unique work styles, skill sets, preferences, and vantage points of each generation.

This session looks at the influences and needs of each generation, helping you to better understand the multiple perspectives of your colleagues and peers, letting your diversity strengthen your work together.

  • 2020-11-30 | 09:00 - 10:40
  • Online - Zoom Platform

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shanghai Chapter is delighted to invite you to join the One Day training (online): Efficient Application Tips of Excel on 13th Nov (Friday), 2020. (course language:Chinese)

  • 2020-11-13 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Online - Zoom Platform (webinar link will be shared prior to the event) 线上课程 - 培训链接将于会议前发送

How can companies and individuals help improve the circularity of plastics? What technologies can be used to use plastics in a more efficient way? What is the future for plastic use?

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to invite you to a webinar about the Circularity of Plastics. Please join us on 16th October 2020 for an engaging session with speakers from a diverse range of backgrounds.

  • 2020-10-16 | 14:30 - 16:45
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform and in-person from the European Chamber Shanghai Office

Enterprise Crisis Management - how to deal with negative attacks from Internet

  • 2020-09-11 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • CCI France Chine Shanghai 2/F, Mayfair Tower

Times are tough. Companies are cutting back, people are tightening their belts, and many decision-makers are holding off on major purchases. However, your sales targets have NOT been reduced. Selling in a difficult economy requires different approaches than during a robust one. In addition, after the COVID-19 outbreak, some customers have even refused to see salespeople, and salespeople will have to sell without seeing the customers. This makes selling in this tough economy even more challenging! This workshop shall take the salesperson through a step-by-step way on how to navigate through these challenges, and still hit targets.

  • 2020-09-08 - 2020-09-09 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Online (webinar link will be shared prior to the event)

Earlier this year China’s Ministry of Justice released new amendments to specify how foreign nationals can apply for permanent residency (PR) in the country. To help expatriates both interpret the changes in regulation and correctly implement them, this event guides foreign passport holders in the Shanghai Municipality through the green card application process, from eligibility requirements and global tax implications to financial planning solutions for PR applicants.

The European Chamber is pleased to welcome Ray Xia and Gertie Chen of PwC China Global Mobility Services and Jordan Donald of Infinity Solutions to provide insights into and share best practices about the above mentioned. Join us 24th August, 16:00-17:15 (GMT+8), online via zoom or in-person at our Shanghai office.

  • 2020-08-24 | 16:00 - 17:15
  • Zoom/European Chamber Shanghai Office Unit 2204

Learn Action Meeting tips to ensure your online and offline meetings' focus is clear, attendees are relevant, some actions are planned while keeping the meeting interesting and on topic.
An effective meeting, whether it be our quarterly, annual, weekly, or customer meeting, begins with preparation and having the end in mind. How often are we dragged into meetings which have no agenda, or worse yet, have no significance to our job and responsibilities?

Come along and see how you can make your meetings more engaging.

  • 2020-08-07 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Shui On Plaza, Unit 2204

This workshop will be the third in a series of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops to help teams have the difficult conversations and find concrete and shared direction going forward, helping teams get back to enjoyable and effective work life.

We work most effectively when we are happy and healthy. This workshop addresses the increase in anxieties as a result of COVID-19 and the measures individuals, teams and organisations must take to support these most fundamental of needs.
Participants are guided to explore and define a set of guiding principles for themselves and their team that will enable them to live a more balanced life addressing mental and physical wellbeing.

  • 2020-07-22 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204

ISO 13485《医疗器械质量管理体系-用于法规的要求》是国际医疗器械行业的质量管理体系标准。自 2010 年启动升版以来,经过 6 的准备和征求意见, 新标准已经于 2016 年 3 月1日正式发布。 新标准融入了医疗行业、全球专家和主管当局的反馈意见。 BSI 作为英国国家标准机构,以及全球领先的公告机构,全程参与并提供了升版的技术输入意见。
新标准增加了大量医疗器械行业最佳实践,兼容了包括美国 FDA, 日本 JPAL 和巴西ANVISA GMP 等国家医疗器械法规的要求,是一部将质量管理体系和法规注册及监管更加紧密结合的标准。新标针对设计和研发等要求可以帮助提升器械自主研发能力,并保证医疗器械的安全有效,从而提升医疗器械企业的自身竞争力。
本课程专为医疗器械行业人员而设。 学员将全面理解 ISO 13485:2016 质量管理体系的要求并了解 ISO 14971:2009 标准——“风险管理在医疗器械的应用的相关概念”。
通过小组活动、审核演练、互动讨论和教练式课程等方式深入理解审核原则和如何应用ISO 19011:2002 标准来执行有效的内审。

  • 2020-07-21 - 2020-07-22 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online (webinar link will be shared prior to the event)