Chengdu-Melbourne and Chengdu-Frankfurt Direct Flights Opening Soon Go back »

2013-01-31 | Southwest China

On 25th     Jan, Sichuan Airlines announced to commence the first West China to Melbourne direct flight on 28th Feb.   Using   Airbus   A330,   the   carrier   will   open   thrice-weekly   flights   on   Monday, Thursday and Saturday,and give a special offer of RMB660 (tax &fee excluded) for round trips to its customers for the promotional period.

      Meanwhile, Air China revealed that the company is planning to launch Chengdu-Frankfurt nonstop service on 19th May.   The   new   service   will   be   operated   with   Airbus   A330-200   every   Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.   The   opening   of   new   route   will   make   Chengdu the third city in Mainland China with direct air links to Frankfurt after Beijing   and   Shanghai.    Besides    the existing Chengdu-Amsterdam   air   route,   there   will   be   3   more   direct   air   routes   from   Chengdu   to   Europe within the year: Chengdu-Frankfurt, Chengdu-Paris and Chengdu-London.