Advocacy Actions

2023-12-05 > All chapters

Meeting with representatives from DG TRADE on cross-border data transfer issues

On 5th December, European Chamber representatives from different Working Groups met with DG TRADE counterparts to discuss cross-border data transfer issues.

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2023-06-13 > Shanghai

The Green Transition through innovation and energy efficiency conference with Shanghai CCPIT and Swedish Consulate General

On 13th June 2023, the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter co-organised the 'Green Transition Through Innovation and Energy Efficiency' conference with the Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai and Business Sweden as part of Sweden’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference was organised as a side event of the 2023 Shanghai International Carbon Neutral Technology, Products and Achievements Expo hosted by the Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai. Mr. Chunting Gu, Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai (CCPIT Shanghai) provided a keynote speech on the importance of China-EU collaboration on the Green Transition.

Focusing on the importance of energy efficiency in driving the green transition, the conference featured a panel discussion moderated by Zipei Xu, Environment Vice Chair and panelists from various European Chamber members: Air Liquide, Alfa Laval, Powercell as well as several Chinese counterparts, Shenergy and Sinopec.

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2023-06-13 > Shanghai

Shanghai Carbon Expo: Roundtable on Interpreting EU Sustainable Development Policies with SHCCPIT

On 13th June, Ms Sarah Yu, Environment Working Group Vice Chair presented a keynote on EU-China collaboration on the Green Transition and hosted a roundtable at the EY 'Roundtable on Interpreting EU Sustainable Development Policies.' As part of the Shanghai Carbon Expo, this event also featured an opening speech from Mr. Chunting Gu, vice president of Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai.

As a leader in actively addressing global climate change, the EU has long been actively promoting the establishment of sustainable development-related legislation and policies, including the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), EU Plastic Packaging Tax and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will become an important key factor affecting international trade in the future and impose higher sustainability management requirements on multinational enterprises and Chinese exporters. The roundtable on "Interpreting EU Sustainable Development Policies" aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of the impact of EU sustainable development policies and help domestic enterprises to better "go global" and proactively meet the opportunities and challenges brought by EU sustainable development policies.

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2023-01-13 > All chapters

European Tour 2022-23 Meeting with Industry Representatives of China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU)

On 13th January 2023, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) and the China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) jointly held a high-level EU-China Business Leaders Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium. Minister Peng Gang of the Chinese Mission to the EU delivered a keynote speech, while President Joerg Wuttke of the European Chamber and President Xu Haifeng of the CCCEU delivered welcoming remarks online. Zhonghua Xu, Chair of the Energy Working Group and Sarah Yu, Vice-Chair of the Environment Working Group of the European Chamber, offered their views and suggestions on the prospects of exploring cooperation between Chinese and European companies in the fields of sustainable development and ESG, respectively. The event was moderated by Adam Dunnett, Secretary General of the European Chamber, and Fang Dongkui, Secretary General of the CCCEU.

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2023-01-11 > All chapters

European Tour 2022-23 Meeting with Deputy DG Patrick Child (DG ENV)

On 11th January, the European Chamber met with Deputy DG Patrick Child (DG ENV) in Brussels to send key messages and exchange ideas concerning environmental issues. The European Chamber participants included the President, Vice President, Chairs of the Environment and Energy WGs, and so forth. Green and low-carbon development, ocean plastic pollution, circular economy, and climate warming were discussed.

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2023-01-10 > All chapters

European Tour 2022-23 Meeting with DG Ditte Juul Joergensen (DG ENER)

On 10th January, the European Chamber met with DG Ditte Juul Joergensen (DG ENER) in Brussels to send key messages and exchange ideas concerning energy issues. The European Chamber participants included the President, Vice Presidents, Chairs of the Energy and Environment Working Groups, and so forth. Both sides presented ideas on heated discussed issues, including renewable energy, energy transition, energy security and circular economy.

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2021-12-17 > Shanghai

Green Transition in Industry and Transport: Sharing Swedish Experiences

On December 17th, the Swedish Consulate hosted the "Green Transition in Industry and Transport: Sharing Swedish Experiences" event and the opportunities within China on the transition to renewable energy. Two European Chamber Energy Working Group vice chairs participated as moderator and panellist respectively, providing European business perspectives on decarbonising the industrial sector and securing fossil free transport.The event brought together a number of experts in green transport and industry, for a series of presentations followed by a panel discussion.

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2021-12-16 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives meet with the Cabinet of Frans Timmermans

On 16th December a group of European Chamber representatives led by Vice-President Bruno Weill met with Member of the Cabinet of Frans Timmermans Andrea Gippner.

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2021-12-03 > Shanghai

Meeting with DG Grow on Magnesium Shortages (PCR WG)

In light of recent concerns from Brussels on magnesium shortages (as a crucial component for various critical industries including automatic and aerospace, this online meeting between the Delegation of the European Union to China (DG Grow) and European Chamber PCR Chairs and industry players aimed to facilitate discussion on causes and effects of the magnesium shortages, in the hopes of anticipating future bottlenecks on critical raw materials. Issues including the power shortages and China's decarbonisation strategy were discussed.

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2021-12-03 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives meet the Director-General for DG ENV

On 3rd December a European Chamber delegation led by President Joerg Wuttke met with Director-General for DG ENV, Florika Fink-Hooijer.

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