Upcoming Events

Human resource management occupies the core position in enterprises, and performance management is an important part of it. However, many enterprises are faced with many problems and challenges when implementing performance management. This course is lectured by Mr. Tao, who has more than ten years of experience in performance management consulting. The course includes clarifying performance objectives, strengthening communication, providing feedback and recognition, establishing incentive mechanism, ensuring the fairness and rationality of evaluation standards, and continuously improving and optimizing performance management, etc. Besides, the course focuses on solving practical problems faced by enterprises in performance management. 人力资源管理在企业中占据核心地位,而绩效管理又是其中的重要组成部分。然而,许多企业在执行绩效管理时面临着诸多问题和挑战. 本次课程,由具有十余年绩效管理咨询经验的陶老师主讲,课程内容包括明确绩效目标、加强沟通、提供反馈和认可、建立激励机制、确保评估标准的公正性和合理性,以及持续改进和优化绩效管理等,并且课程着重于解决企业在绩效管理中所面临的实际问题,可落地应用。

  • 2024-06-25 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online



- 掌握三阶段洞察法-破解员工行为背后的心理密码;
- 能够运用洞察和心理沟通四步法转化和激励员工的负面情绪和行为;
- 懂得员工工作激情的来源——内在心理动力的“飞机”模型图;
- 能够根据对员工的心理洞察更精准的使用相应的激励方法和策略
- 学会评估与使用“三角色法”扭转困难情境下团队的士气低落;
- 懂得使用凝聚与点燃团队激情的“团体心理动力的四要素”。

  • 2024-06-26 - 2024-06-27 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • 北京东直门亚朵S酒店

In the past, under the single source of information dissemination, companies only needed to manage media relations well to prevent large-scale public opinion crises. However, in the mobile age, the butterfly effect does exist, and any individual's disclosure of information could potentially trigger a large-scale public opinion crisis, with numerous examples to prove it. Crisis management is no longer just about early warning and prevention, but about being prepared for the unexpected issues. In this situation, it is essential to further understand the characteristics of public opinion crises in the mobile communication environment and to master relevant solutions to solve problems.

  • 2024-06-27 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • EU Chamber Beijing Office

本课程旨在帮助销售人员通过AI技术提高销售效率和成交率,从而取得金牌成绩。本课程侧重于使用人工智能工具和技术改变传统的销售方式,使参与者能够在销售过程中更有效、更准确地识别和满足客户需求,最终在人工智能的支持下实现销售业绩的显著提高。This course aims to help sales staff improve sales efficiency and closing rates through AI technology, thereby achieving gold medal results. The course focuses on using AI tools and technologies to change traditional sales methods, enabling participants to more efficiently and accurately identify and meet customer needs during the sales process, ultimately achieving significant improvements in sales performance supported by AI.

  • 2024-06-28 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou

The European Chamber Shanghai Chapter is proud to host the 8th annual Sustainable Business Awards (SBA). The 2024 edition will continue to put sustainability awareness at the forefront of its focus, recognising companies who push for sustainable economic growth, environmental care and social welfare. Applications are open from 14th May to 30th June 2024.

  • 2024-06-30 - 2024-06-30 | 00:00 - 24:00
  • Applications are open from 14th May to 30th June 2024 (18:00). The points for late submissions will be deducted. Please download the application form(s) and FAQ on this page and send your application(s) to sba_submission@europeanchamber.com.cn

This course aims to upgrade Excel data analysis through AI technology, and help students master the knowledge and skills in data preprocessing, data cleaning, data modeling, data analysis and visual presentation. The course is rich in content, covering all aspects of data analysis, and aims to help students comprehensively improve their data analysis skills.

  • 2024-09-03 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online

This course aims to upgrade Excel data analysis through AI technology to help students master knowledge and skills in data preprocessing, data cleaning, data modelling, data analysis and visual presentation.



  • 2024-09-03 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • MS Teams

This course aims to upgrade Excel data analysis through AI technology, and help students master the knowledge and skills in data preprocessing, data cleaning, data modeling, data analysis and visual presentation. The course is rich in content, covering all aspects of data analysis, and aims to help students comprehensively improve their data analysis skills.

  • 2024-09-03 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online

Human resource management needs to be transformed, and human resource management needs to be driven by effectiveness, measured by data, to provide a reference basis for business decision-making while promoting the effectiveness of business management.

  • 2024-09-12 | 00:00 - 00:00
  • TBC

• Actively respond to climate change and improve the company's carbon risk management capabilities
• Respond to customer requirements and implement carbon disclosure actions to improve market competitiveness
• Identify opportunities and action directions for energy conservation, emission reduction and cost reduction
• Meet the market's demand for low-carbon information and guide green consumption fashion

  • 2024-09-19 - 2024-09-20 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • BV Nanjing office 必维南京办公室