European Chamber Second Medical Device Forum 中国欧盟商会第二届医疗器械论坛 Go back »
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Time2020-10-29 | 09:00 - 17:05
Venue:First Floor, Infinity Ballroom, Hilton Beijing | 北京希尔顿酒店一层 天元宫
Fee:Members: 1180 |
Non Members: 1580
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Upgrading its healthcare system has been one of China’s major reform priorities in recent years, with the provision of advanced, innovative medical devices at the core of this plan. Medical devices play a crucial role in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, so they are key to China’s goal of improving the overall health of the population, as laid out in the government strategy ‘Healthy China 2030’.
The European Chamber is delighted to hold its second Medical Device Forum On 29th October in Beijing, co-hosted by the European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR), under the theme “The ‘New Normal’ in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Innovation Drives ‘Healthy China’”.
* The event will be in Chinese with simultaneous Chinese-English translation.
拟会议议程 Tentative Agenda
08:30-09:00 |
签到 Registration |
主持人:张子婷 中国欧盟商会政府事务负责人 Moderator: Ms. Ziting Zhang, Head of Government Affairs, European Chamber of Commerce in China |
09:00-09:10 |
欢迎辞 Welcome Remarks |
伍德克 中国欧盟商会主席 Mr. Jörg Wuttke, President, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China |
09:10-09:30 |
开幕辞 Opening Remarks |
郁白 欧盟驻华大使 国家药品监督管理局局领导 H.E. Nicolas Chapuis, Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to China Commissioner Level, National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) |
主论坛 Plenary |
09:30-09:50 |
医疗器械技术审评制度改革 Medical Device Technical Evaluation System Reform |
邓刚 国家药品监督管理局医疗器械技术审评中心副主任 Mr. Gang Deng, Deputy Director General, Centre for Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE), NMPA |
09:50-10:10 |
医保支付方式改革 Medical Insurance Payment Methods Reform |
朱兆芳 国家卫生健康委卫生发展研究中心健康保障部副主任、研究员 Ms. Zhaofang Zhu, Researcher, Deputy Director, Department of Health Security, China National Health Development Research Center |
10:10-10:30 |
跨境转产 Cross-border Transfer of Production |
袁鹏 国家药品监督管理局医疗器械注册管理司 一处处长 Mr. Peng Yuan, Division Director, Division I, Department of Medical Device Registration, NMPA |
10:30-10:50 |
带量采购 Volume-based Procurement |
江滨博士、副教授 北京大学公共政策研究中心副主任、研究员 PhD. Bin Jiang, Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Researcher, Public Policy Research Center of Peking University |
10:50-11:20 |
茶歇 Coffee Break |
11:20-11:35 |
地方医疗产业布局与发展 Healthcare Industry Planning and Development in Local Areas |
王泳江 天津经济技术开发区医药健康产业促进局副局长 Mr. Yongjiang Wang, Deputy Director, Pharma & Healthcare Industry Promotion Bureau, Tianjin Economics-Technological Development Area (TEDA) |
11:35-11:55 |
中国医疗器械不良事件监测——定期风险评价报告 Adverse Events Monitoring for Medical Device in China--Periodic Risk Evaluation Report |
李栋 国家药品不良反应监测中心医疗器械监测和评价二部 Mr. Dong Li, Division II of Department of Medical Device Monitoring and Reevaluation, National Centre for ADR Monitoring, China |
12:00-14:00 |
午餐 Lunch Buffet |
主持人:袁洁 中国欧盟商会行业事务负责人;COCIR中国代表 Moderator: Ms. Jessica Yuan, Deputy Head of Government Affairs, European Chamber of Commerce in China; COCIR China Representative |
14:10-14:30 |
中国医疗器械行业创新发展现状和趋势 Current Situation and Trend of China Medical Device Industry Innovation |
姜峰博士 中国医疗器械行业协会常务副会长,国家医疗器械产业技术创新联盟理事长 PhD. Feng Jiang, Executive Vice President, China Association for Medical Devices Industry; Chairman, Nation Medical Device Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance |
论坛(现场、部分讲者线上播入) Panels (Onsite, Livestream for Some Panelists) |
14:40-15:40 |
圆桌论坛一 创新医疗产品 Panel I Innovative Medical Products |
主持:高春宇 中国欧盟商会医疗器械工作组副主席 嘉宾: 李耀华、林尤海 海南省药品和医疗器械审评服务中心领导 范幽雅 海南博鳌乐城国际医疗旅游先行区管理局 刘华 援鄂医疗队专家,上海中医药大学医院管理处处长 董斌哲 迈迪思创(北京)科技发展有限公司联合创始人 Moderator: Ms. Tracey Gao, Vice Chair, Healthcare Equipment Working Group, European Chamber of Commerce in China Panelists: Mr. Yaohua Li and Mr. Youhai Lin, Heads of Center for Drug and Medical Device Evaluation, Hainan Provincial Medical Products Administration Ms. Youya Fan, Deputy Division Director, Hainan Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone Administration Mr. Hua Liu, Physician on the Medical Team to Wuhan during the COVID-19 Outbreak, Division Director, Division of Hospital Management, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Mr. Frank Dong, Co-founder of Medical Strong (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd. |
15:40-16:00 |
茶歇 Coffee Break |
16:00-17:00 (北京时间/Beijing Time)
9:00-10:00 (布鲁塞尔时间/Brussels Time) |
圆桌论坛二 欧盟之声 Panel II What’s Going on in Europe |
主持:袁洁 COCIR中国代表 嘉宾:Mr. Erik Hansson 欧盟委员会卫生与食品安全总司(DG SANTE)医疗器械以及卫生技术评估部门负责人 话题:简述欧盟医疗器械法规和为解决 COVID-19 问题而优先考虑医疗器械的特别决定 嘉宾:Ms. Nicole Denjoy COCIR秘书长 话题:概述为应对疫情产业方面的倡议和创新 Moderator: Ms. Jessica Yuan, COCIR China Representative Panelist: Deputy Head of the Medical Devices and Health Technology Assessment Unit of the DG for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) of the European Commission Topic: Latest Update on MDR Implementation and Special Measures in COVID-19 Context for Medical Devices Panelist: Ms. Nicole Denjoy, Secretary General of COCIR Topic: Overview on Industry Initiatives and Innovations to Tackle COVID-19 |
17:00-17:10 |
闭幕辞 Closing Remarks |
中国欧盟商会 European Union Chamber of Commerce in China |
*Views expressed by invited speakers do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.
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Events have limited seating so to ensure your attendance we encourage advance online registration and payment. We cannot guarantee entry to anyone not registered in advance.
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To cancel you can: 1) email Lexie Li, or 2) cancel online if you registered for the event through the website.
Advisory Council Policy
Since this is a special event, members of the Advisory Council will not receive complimentary admission to this forum. For further information contact Luyang Syvänen
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Participants must maintain proper social distancing norms and abide by the Beijing Municipal Government’s Epidemic Prevention and Control Rules (eg. wearing masks and so on). If you do not follow the relevant regulations, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China assumes no responsibility for any of your physical discomfort caused during and after the event. Thank you for your cooperation.
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As this is a whole-day event involving translocations between dining and conference halls, please pay close attention to your personal properties (cell phones, laptops, wallets, ID cards, etc.). The responsibility of any loss of personal properties on the conference site should NOT be borne by the host (AKA the European Chamber) nor by the hotel (AKA Hilton Beijing). Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Mr. Jörg Wuttke

Mr. Jörg Wuttke
Jörg Wuttke is Vice President and Chief Representative of BASF China, based in Beijing. Since joining BASF in 1997, Mr. Wuttke has been responsible for helping guide the company’s investment strategies for China, negotiation of large projects and government relations.
Previous to joining BASF, Mr. Wuttke worked with ABB for 11 years; in fact his first professional encounter with China was in 1988 as the Finance and Administration Manager of ABB Beijing. In 1990, he returned to Germany as Sales Manager of ABB Power Plants Division, responsible for gas turbine sales to Africa and Russia. In 1993, he became Chief Representative ABB China in Shanghai and in 1994 moved to the President's Office of ABB China in Beijing, where he was responsible for the development and financing of large projects.
From 2001 to 2004 Mr. Wuttke was the Chairman of the German Chamber of Commerce in China. From 2007 to 2010, 2014 to 2017, and since May 2019 again he is the President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
From 2011 to 2019, Mr. Wuttke was Chairman of the BIAC China Task Force of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC), a Paris based body of major business associations that lobbies the OECD.
From 2013 to 2016, and again since 2019 Mr. Wuttke is Vice Chairman of the CPCIF International Cooperation Committee, a group representing Multinational Companies in China’s Chemical Association.
Since its establishment in 2013, Mr. Wuttke is member of the Advisory Board of Germany’s foremost Think Tank on China, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), in Berlin.
In January 2019 Mr. Wuttke joined the International Board of the Stars Foundation, in Switzerland. stars - for Leaders of the Next Generation.
Mr. Nicolas Chapuis

Mr. Nicolas Chapuis
Mr. Chapuis began his career in the 1980s as the Press Attaché at the Embassy of France in Beijing. In 1983, he was appointed Second Secretary (Political Affairs) at the Embassy of France in Beijing and then Desk Officer for China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mongolia at the Asia-Oceania Department of France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Between 1987 and 1988, he was a CFIA Fellow at Harvard University.
In 1988 and 1989, he held the position of Desk Officer for NATO & European Security at the Political Affairs Department of France’s MFA. From 1989 to 1992, he was the Cultural Counsellor at the Embassy of France in Beijing.
Mr. Chapuis's diplomatic career continued in the role of Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of France in Singapore. Following this, he held the position of Personal Assistant to the Deputy General Secretary for European and Economic Affairs at the MFA before becoming the Deputy Director (East Asia) of the Asia-Oceania Department of the MFA from 1995 to 1998.
In 1998, returned to China as the Consul General in Shanghai. Between 2002 and 2003, he was First Counsellor (Cultural Affairs) at the Embassy of France in the United Kingdom and the Director of Institut français du Royaume-Uni.
From 2003 until 2005 Mr. Chapuis served as Ambassador of France in Mongolia and in 2005–2009 he was Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of France in Beijing.
In 2009–2010, served as Prefect of the département of Hautes-Alpes. Following this, held the position of Chief Coordinator of the MFA WikiLeaks Taskforce until 2011.
Mr. Chapuis has been the Ambassador of France to Canada since February 4th, 2015. In September 2018 was nominated as Head of the EU Delegation to China
Ms. Ziting ZHANG

Ms. Ziting ZHANG
Ziting joined the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China in 2009, currently based in Beijing. She has been responsible for Chamber general government affairs strategy since late 2018. Meanwhile, she is managing the Cheese Industry Desk, the Food for Special Medical Advisory Committee and the Paediatric Nutrition (PN) Desk. In these roles, she is in charge of the daily operations of the industry initiatives and working closely with member companies on the design and implementation of strategies and plans for all three industry initiatives. The core of her work focusses on advocacy on behalf of these industries, including monitoring relevant policies and regulations, coordinating action among international and domestic stakeholders and maintaining external relationships with key industry players, organisations and institutions, and government authorities.
Prior to joining the European Chamber, Ziting worked for Deutsche Welle, the German international broadcaster in Berlin.
Ms. Zhaofang ZHU

Ms. Zhaofang ZHU
Fields of Study:
Medical Care; Healthcare System; Women’s and Children’s Health; Health and Medical Care for Poor Alleviation.
Research Highlights:
-Studies of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance (NCMS) payment reform piloting project and topics related to the bureau of primary-level, Ministry of Health since 2005;
-Operation of the contact center of NCMS payment reform by the Bureau of Primary-level, National Health and Family Planning Commission from 2016 to 2018;
-Study of National Healthcare Security Administration’s Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) payment mechanism and technical specifications since 2018.

-Deputy Director and Researcher, Research Center of Public Policy, Peking University
-Vice Chair of Pharmaceutical Administration Professional Committee, Beijing Pharmaceutical Association
-Standing member of Medical Care Professional Committee, China Association of Social Security
-Senior Visiting Scholar, Harvard Medical School
Fields of Study
-The New Healthcare Reform Plan and the development of pharmaceutical industry
-Decision and outcome evaluation of pharmaceutical policy
-Building and evaluation of drug regulatory capability in China
Research Highlights
Presided over <Study of the Implementation of Healthcare Institution Balance Retention Policy by Collecting Dedicated Drug Budget>, <Influences of the New Healthcare Reform Plan over Pharmaceutical Industry>, <Monitoring Measures to the Implementation of State-organized Collective Drug Procurement and Application Piloting Plan> and its evaluation, <Study of Pharmaceutical Market Accessibility After Consistency Evaluation Policy>, <Outcome Evaluation and Optimization Study of China Medical Insurance Payment Prices for Drugs>, <Study of the New Healthcare Reform Plan and Drug Procurement Policy in Sanming Municipality>, <Study of the Quality Stratification System during Drug Procurement Processes> and more than 30 projects proposed by National Healthcare Security Administration, National Health Commission, National Medicine Products Administration, National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Technology and Science, and other departments. Published over 60 academic journals.
Mr. Yongjiang Wang

Mr. Yongjiang Wang
Wang Yongjiang is the Deputy Director of TEDA Pharma and Healthcare Industry Promotion Bureau, working in the field of pharma and medical device industry. He Graduated with a MBA degree from Business School of Nankai University.
Mr. Dong LI

Mr. Dong LI
Mr. Li is an assessor of the Division II of Department of Medical Device Monitoring and Reevaluation, National Centre for ADR Monitoring, China. Graduated from the Peking University Health Science Center. He participated in the drafting of principal guidelines including ‘Specifications on Medical Device Periodic Risk Evaluation Report’.
Ms. Jessica Yuan

Ms. Jessica Yuan
Jessica Yuan, Head of Industry Desks at the European Chamber, COCIR China Representative (European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry, shortened to "COCIR").
At the European Chamber, Jessica takes upon COCIR China activities, medical device industry affairs and other related responsibilities. She has gained 12 years of experience in the field of regulatory affairs in medical devices and pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises. Previous to her RA career, Jessica had worked in ICU of Peking Union Medical College Hospital after graduating from PUMC.
Mr. Feng JIANG

Mr. Feng JIANG
Mr. Feng Jiang, Ph.D. in External Medical and EMBA, is the executive deputy chair of the China Association for Medical Devices Industry. He is also the chairman of National Medical Device Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, deputy chair of China Biomedical Engineering Education Guidance Committee, director of National Standardization Administration TC94 Sub-committee, and expert/independent director of several ministries including the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) as well as consulates, associations, sci-tech parks, and listed companies.
Mr. Jiang had been a chest doctor for 12 years and left the hospital in 1997 to initiate a drug development and distribution company. He served as the manager of Sinopharm Medicine Holding Northwest Company and China Medical Instrument Company (CMIC) for 10 years after the success of his business and bring significantly achievements and developments to the two medical device companies.
Mr. Jiang had served as chair and deputy chair of the Association for 16 years. During this period, he participated in the making and adjusting of several laws and regulations, visited and provided services to thousands of member companies, expanded the association, and received wide-range praises from the industry. He resigned from positions in state-owned enterprises in 2009 and became the chairman of the National Medical Device Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, where he funded and managed many medical device innovation programs in collaboration with the MOST.
Mr. Jiang also participates in several early-stage Research and Development projects and leads nearly 100 institutions to establish the first innovative service alliance for the Chinese medical device industry, and constructs innovative service platforms including China Medical Devices Design & Entrepreneurship Competition and Medical Device Innovation Platform. These achievements assist several domestic and foreign innovation projects’ connection with capitals and services while promoting the medical device industry’s innovative development.
Ms. Tracey Gao

Ms. Tracey Gao
Tracey Gao is Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs& Quality Management at Stryker China. She leads a team of regulatory, quality management and clinical affairs. Prior to joining Stryker, she was working with Siemens for more than 15 years, in charge of regulatory, quality management and clinical trials. Tracey has been actively engaged in EU Chamber works and was elected the Vice Chair of Healthcare Equipment Working Group in April, 2020. She is also a member and observer of SAC TC221 (ISO TC210).Tracey holds MD degree of Clinical Medicine, and Master degree in Business Administration.
Ms. Youya FAN

Ms. Youya FAN
Ms. Youya Fan is the Deputy Director of the Merchants Department, Hainan Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone Administration. Ms. Fan is a graduate of Peking University with double Degrees in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law. She has professional experiences in several industries including overseas media, bank, and private equity fund, and is currently responsible for industry-wide investment promotion as well as the introduction and implementation of global innovative medicines and medical devices in Lecheng Pilot Zone. She specializes in the application of real-world data analysis in innovative medicine and medical device solutions.
Mr. Hua LIU

Mr. Hua LIU
Mr. Hua Liu, M.S. in Medicine and graduate of LL.M Master’s course, is Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)’s chief physician and director of the Hospital Management Department, and Shanghai Municipality Health Inspector. Mr. Liu is selected for Shanghai High-level Integrative Medicine Leading Researcher Program. He also won the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s title of TCM Industry Technology Management Advanced Worker, Recognition Award of Japan ‘Meiji Life Science Award’, and Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine 1st Youth Contribution Award.
Mr. Liu is the deputy chairman of the Anorectal Subgroup, Shanghai Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and deputy director of Shanghai Evidence-based TCM Medical Center.
Mr. Frank Dong

Mr. Frank Dong
Mr. Frank Dong is the co-founder of Medical Strong (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd, with the MBA degree obtained from Nankai University. Frank has worked for TCL group, Jyton, Stryker. With more than 15 years of expertise in NMPA registration, testing, clinical study and regulation research, Frank has led and operated more than 600 medical devices’ registration work. He has been a member on the medical device standards technical committee for many years, and annually participates in the discussion and revision seminar on standards and technical review guidelines. Frank has gained rich experience in forecasting and resolving the problems that possibly occur in the procedure of medical device registration.
Mr. Erik Hansson

Mr. Erik Hansson
Erik joined the medical devices unit of the European Commission in 2012 to lead the implementation of the PIP Action plan, followed by the negotiations on the new Regulations. Erik is responsible for several EU working groups (such as MDCG), heads the EU delegation to the multilateral regulatory cooperation in IMDRF, deals with bilateral trade related issues in the sector and is coordinating the cooperation with national Competent Authorities in the CAMD framework.
Erik received a Master degree in law from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and held various positions in law courts and then in Swedish ministries and agencies coordinating preparations for EU-membership. Since joining the European Commission in 1997 Erik has mainly dealt with policies relating to the single market for goods as well as finance and strategic policy planning.
Ms. Nicole Denjoy

Ms. Nicole Denjoy
Nicole Denjoy is the COCIR Secretary General since 2005 and is based in Brussels. Nicole has gathered more than 35 years of experience in the medical technology industry. She represents COCIR in a variety of influential fora at European Level as well as at international level. Nicole is also Chair of DITTA, the Global Trade Association representing Medical Imaging, Radiation Therapy and Healthcare IT Industry and leads the DITTA Industry voice in official relationships with WHO since DITTA was granted a NGO status in 2015 and leads the partnership between DITTA and the World Bank since 2016.
In addition, Nicole is Vice Chair of the Business at OECD Health Committee representing the private business sector in front of the OECD Health Committee.