"Made in China 2025" is an initiative to comprehensively upgrade Chinese industry and it draws direct inspiration from Germany's "Industry 4.0" plan, which was first discussed in 2011 and later adopted in 2013. The heart of the "Industry 4.0" idea is intelligent manufacturing, i.e., applying the tools of information technology to production. In the German context, this primarily means using the Internet of Things to connect small and medium-sized companies more efficiently in global production and innovation networks so that they could not only more efficiently engage in mass production but just as easily and efficiently customize products.
As China enters into the midst of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0, Made in China 2025 and Internet Plus have become the key economic triggers of China’s long-term economic strategy. Economists believe that the combination of these initiatives will enable a new industrial revolution. With enormous potential to capitalize on the opportunities generated through transition towards a creative and high tech driven economy, China is evolving rapidy in pursuit of its goal. China’s population of netizens will likely exceed over 700m, yet that is barely half of China’s total population. This illustrates clearly the mega potential of e-commerce, m-commerce and other Internet based services across a broad range of sectors to capitalize on Industry 4.0 and the development of an Internet of Things (IOT).
This seminar will:
- Assess the goals and progress so far of Industry 4.0.
- Examine the opportunities and threats for European organisations active in China within the Industry 4.0 initiatives of Internet Plus and Made in China 2025.
- Highlight key sector areas for growth and assess the realistic possibility for Foreign Invested Enterprises to contribute.
9:00 to 9:30 Registration
9:30 to 9:40 Welcome Remarks by Mr. Carlo D’ Andrea, Vice-Chairman of the Board, Shanghai Chapter, European Chamber
9:40 to 10:10 "Practical Path to Industry 4.0" by Dr. Dennis Hong, M.Sc. Ph.D, Principle Consultant, TÜV SÜD Academy
10:10 to 10:40 "Made In China 2025 & Internet Plus: The 4th Industrial Revolution" by Mr. Kiran Patel, Marketing and Communications Director, LehmanBrown International Accountants
10:40 to 11:10 Q&A Session
11:10 to 11:20 Closing Remarks
You can pay at the day of the event using cash or local debit/credit cards. The European Chamber can give you an official fapiao for amount exceeding 200 RMB, and this will be sent to you via courier a few days after the event.
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Events have limited seating so to ensure your attendance we encourage advance online registration and payment for ALL events. We cannot guarantee entry to anyone not registered in advance.
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To cancel you can: 1) email: ltan@europeanchamber.com.cn, or 2) cancel online if you registered for the event through the website.