Press Releases

2023-06-21 > All chapters

European Chamber Report Finds Significant Deterioration of Business Confidence in China

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, in partnership with Roland Berger, today released its European Business in China Business Confidence Survey 2023 (BCS).

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2023-04-21 > All chapters

China’s Push to Localise Foreign R&D Elicits Diverse Responses from European Companies

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber), in partnership with the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), today published China’s Innovation Ecosystem: the localisation dilemma.

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2023-02-14 > Shanghai

European Chamber Urges Shanghai to Act to Restore Business Confidence

The European Chamber published its Shanghai Position Paper 2023/2024. It outlines how Shanghai can restore its reputation as an internationally competitive city, after three years of stringent pandemic control measures rocked business confidence.

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2015-12-17 > All chapters

European Chamber welcomes Paris Agreement as clear signal to EU businesses in China to scale up innovation and investment in climate solutions

In response to the Paris Agreement, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China published the press release.

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2015-12-17 > All chapters



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2015-11-03 > All chapters

European Chamber positive about Chinese Government’s GDP targets announced in the 13th Five-Year Plan

Beijing, 2nd November, 2015 – The European Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) commends the government’s announcement that the 13th Five Year-Plan (FYP) will focus on higher quality and more sustainable economic growth.

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2015-11-03 > All chapters

中国欧盟商会对中国政府提出“十三五规划”GDP 目标表示欢迎

2015年11月2日,北京 — 中国欧盟商会认为,中国政府提出“第十三个五年规划”(“十三五规划”)将会着眼于更高质量、更可持续的经济增长,这对于推进大胆改革是个不容错过的机会。

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2015-10-22 > All chapters

European Chamber comments on the Chinese Government’s announcement of the nationwide rollout of two negative lists

Beijing, 22nd October, 2015–The European Chamber acknowledges the government’s announcement that two negative lists—one for foreign and one for domestic companies—will be gradually rolled out, eventually being adopted nationwide by 2018.

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2015-10-22 > All chapters


2015年10月22日,北京--- 中国欧盟商会近日注意到,中国政府公布了关于实行市场准入负面清单制度的意见,包括两份分别针对外资企业和本地企业的“负面清单”,提出将会逐步推行并在2018年实现全面实施。

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