European Chamber welcomes first public consultation with Foreign Invested Enterprises on 5 Year Plan Go back »

2011-01-25 | All chapters

Beijing, January 24th 2011 –The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to bring member companies’ opinions on Formulating the Twelfth Five-Year Plan (Call for Comments) to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)’s attention.

Over the past 5 years, China has made impressive progress in term of its economic development, growing to become the world’s second largest national economy. Last year, for the first time, the NDRC has solicited the input of foreign-invested Chinese companies. Such consultation is a sign of the Chinese government's commitment to increasing transparency.

European Chamber President Jacques de Boisséson said: “The European Chamber and its members express their appreciation to the NDRC for this first opportunity to contribute to the formulation of this important document, which will provide guidance to China’s economic policy and development over the next five years.”

As the independent voice of the European business in China, the Chamber is proud to contribute the experience and know-how of its 1600 member companies to China’s economic development over the next five years. The comments and information were provided by individual companies from 34 European Chamber working groups into a single comprehensive document for NDRC’s convenience. Member companies in the green technology, low carbon and healthcare sectors were particularly supportive of the broad policy direction taken by the twelfth five year plan.

In the comments submitted to NDRC earlier this month (attached), Chamber members highlight the following three aspects:

1. Strategic economic restructuring will be a major objective of the 12th Five-Year Plan. Currently, China suffers from a series of imbalances that should be addressed through:

- The expansion of domestic consumption as a source of growth.

- The growth and development of new and strategic industries.

- The development of Small and Medium Enterprises.

- The increased reform of the welfare state and social security and expansion of access to basic public services.

2. Deepening reform and speeding-up the win-win strategy for opening-up.

- Legal system – continue to increase public consultations, apply laws and regulations in a non-discriminatory fashion, refrain from retroactive application of regulations

- Taxation System - Increase effectiveness and transparency

- Foreign investment and a level playing field

– promote equal market access

3. Innovation.

- Protection of Intellectual Property Rights incentivizes R&D

- Open, harmonized standardization allows innovative products to reach markets

The European Chamber is dedicated to creating a constructive dialogue between the European business community and relevant Chinese authorities, and will continue to contribute its members expertise and views to create a more competitive, open and innovative Chinese market.

For further information, please contact:

Effie Wu Press Officer

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China

Office C412, Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Road, Beijing, 100125

Mobile: 134 8888 1345 Tel: +86 (10) 6462 2066 ext. 22

Fax: +86 (10) 6462 2067

Email: Website:



北京,2011年1月24日-中国欧盟商会十分荣幸地参与中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会关于制定国民经济与社会发展的第十二个五年规划“建言献策”意见征求活动, 并将会员企业的意见和建议进行反馈。


中国国欧盟商会主席戴杰说: “欧盟商会及其会员企业对国家发改委首次给予我们机会参与对未来五年中国经济的政策和发展产生重要影响的文件制定表示感谢。”

作为欧盟在华企业独立声音的代表,中国欧盟商会骄傲地奉献其1600多家会员企业的经验和知识,为中国经济的未来五年发展进言献策。 文件中提及的建议和信息来源于欧盟商会的会员企业、和由他们组成的34个工作组。环保、低碳和医疗相关行业的会员企业特别对“十二五”规划的总体政策指向表示支持。


1. 经济结构的战略性调整将成为“十二五”规划中的重要目标之一。当下,中国的经济发展不平衡问题严重,我们建议通过以下形式予以解决:

-   拉动内需,扩大国内经济增长来源。

-          发展新兴战略性产业。

-          发展中小企业。

-          加快福利国家和社会保障的改革以及扩大公众获得基础公共服务的渠道。

2.    深化改革与加快共赢的开放战略。

-          法律体系:增加公众意见的征求,以非歧视的方式执行法律和法规,避免追溯实施法规。

-          税务系统:提高税收体制的有效性和透明度。

-          外商投资与公平的竞争环境:提倡公平的市场准入条件。


3.   创新

-   保护知识产权有助于鼓励研发

-          公开,和谐的标准可帮助创新型产品更好为市场所接受。






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For more information please contact

Xinhe Fan