European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Celebrates its 10th Anniversary Go back »

2010-11-05 | All chapters

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Celebrates its 10th Anniversary

Beijing, 5th November 2010 -- The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China celebrates its 10th Anniversary in Beijing today.

Founded in 2000 by 51 European companies in China, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China now represents over 1,500 member companies. Ten years after its foundation, the European Chamber now serves members in some seven chapters: Beijing, Chengdu, Nanjing, Pearl River Delta, Shanghai, Shenyang and Tianjin. With 34 Working Groups and nine China Desks, the European Chamber produces influential annual documents such as European Business in China Position Paper, the Business Confidence Survey and specific issue-based publications. 

As the independent voice of European business in China, the Chamber has established itself as a key stakeholder in EU-China business and trade relations. Through close cooperation with the European Commission and the EU Delegation in Beijing, and thanks to the continued support of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Chamber continues to directly and effectively serve its member companies.

The European Chamber is committed to connecting European business in China with the relevant Chinese authorities for the improvement of China’s business environment. As such, the Chamber shares member company recommendations and concerns with the Chinese government through public consultations, workshops and high-level meetings.

On the occasion of its 10th Anniversary, the Chamber is holding events across China. In Beijing, the Chamber is proud to host a Business Conference “China 2020: The Road Ahead” and a Gala Ball “Sea of Stars.” The 10th Anniversary Business Conference will feature policymakers, business leaders and leading academics sharing their insights on the future of Sino-European business and set the Chamber’s course in the years to come. Lord Peter Mandelson will draw on his rich experience at the heart of EU-China trade relations to address conference participants, whereas Chief Economist of the Deutsche Bank Group Dr. Thomas Mayer will focus on the global economy and China after the credit-driven super cycle. Dr. Long Guoqiang of the DRC of the State Council will share his perspective on the future of Chinese competitiveness. Patrick S. Kung, CEO of Greater China, Philips Electronics will discuss the implications of China’s economic growth to multinationals. Professor Horst Loechel will make remarks about financial reforms as key elements of China’s economic future.



北京,2010年11月5日 -- 中国欧盟商会今天于北京庆祝成立十周年。

从2000年创立时的51家会员企业到如今拥有超过1500家会员公司, 中国欧盟商会已经走过了十个年头,并在包括北京、成都、南京、珠江三角洲、上海、沈阳和天津等七个城市和地区设有分会。欧盟商会现有34个工作组和9个行业协会的中国事务部,基本涵盖欧盟企业在华经营的所有行业。根据他们的反馈和建议,欧盟商会每年发布数本重要出版物,如《欧盟企业在中国建议书》和《中国欧盟商会商业信心调查》,并针对其他具体议题撰写相应调研报告。



在中国欧盟商会成立十周年之际,各分会均安排了庆祝活动。在北京,商会将举行“中国2020:未来之路”高端论坛和“璀璨星光十周年”晚宴。“中国2020:未来之路”高端论坛邀请了政策决策者、商界领袖和学术翘楚为中欧贸易前景和商会未来把脉。在本次论坛上,前欧盟贸易委员,前英国商务大臣曼德尔森勋爵将结合其丰富经验对中欧贸易关系进行分析;德意志银行首席经济学家Thomas Mayer将就“债务驱动的超级周期后的全球经济与中国”做主题发言;国务院发展研究中心对外经济研究部部长隆国强将就中国未来竞争力发表演讲;飞利浦执行副总裁、大中华区首席执行官孔祥辉将展望跨国企业在中国的未来十年;中欧工商学院Horst Loechel教授将分析作为未来中国经济的关键要素的金融改革的重要性。

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Xinhe Fan