
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and EuroCham Myanmar are pleased to welcome you to an event about business opportunities in Myanmar. This event will be of special interest for China-based companies which are exploring new markets. Join us on 15th January 2020 and take the opportunity to ask all your questions about expanding to Myanmar.

  • 2020-01-15 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Shui On Plaza, Unit 2204
Shanghai > Social

The 2020 New Year Members' reception

Come and join us at the 2020 New Year's Members' reception. Connect with our newcomers, mingle with familiar members and meet the staff of the European Chamber in a casual networking atmosphere and see what's planned for the upcoming months

  • 2020-01-14 | 16:30 - 18:30
  • 26/F, Infinitus Tower
Members only

Join us on 14th January, in Shanghai, for a full-day training on China's Social Credit System for Companies. As the CSCS applies to all companies active in China, regardless of size or industry, the training is designed for all European Chamber of Commerce in China members.

  • 2020-01-14 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Shui On Plaza, Unit 2204

On 13th January from 2:30-4:30pm, the Carbon Market, Energy and Environment groups will invite Mr Xu Ming, deputy director general of the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation to introduce the organisation’s projects.

  • 2020-01-13 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204
Members only

Business Speed Meeting

  • 2020-01-13 | 18:30 - 21:30

随着中国高科技制造业数字化转型的日益深入,企业在数据标准化、数据拉通、数据价值挖掘等方面存在广泛的需求。同时数据是业务流程的“血脉”,高科技制造业在业务流程精细化、标准化, 以及全球化推广方面也存在跨领域拉通与优化的要求。

德勤中国在业务流程咨询和数据咨询方面积累了丰富的经验,服务过众多高科技制造业行业客户, 帮助客户实现业务发展和提升运营效率。华为是全球公认的通信服务行业领导者,在云服务、数据中台、数据库方面有非常成熟的产品,为众多高科技制造业客户的数字化转型提供技术与产品服务。

结合德勤中国的咨询经验和华为的技术优势,我们将于 1 月 10 日在深圳联合举办“数字化转型 的两翼—“数据”与“流程”主题研讨会(高科技制造业专场)”,届时,您将有机会与德勤中国以及华为的业界资深专家,围绕业务流程改善、数据价值挖掘、数字化转型落地等话题进行深入交流和讨论。

  • 2020-01-10 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan

Plant Visit

  • 2020-01-08 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Balluff Sensors (Chengdu) Co., Ltd 巴鲁夫传感器(成都)有限公司

在设计和制造产品时,FMEA是一种可靠性设计的重要方法。DFMEA(Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)实际上是FMA(故障模式分析)和FEA(故障影响分析)的组合。它对各种可能的风险进行评价、分析,以便在现有技术的基础上消除这些风险或将这些风险减小到可接受的水平。及时性是成功实施FMEA的最重要因素之一,它是一个“事前的行为”,而不是“事后的行为”。为达到最佳效益,FMEA必须在故障模式被纳入产品之前进行。

  • 2020-01-07 - 2020-01-08 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV莱茵广州office1楼开普勒培训室 | TÜV Rheinland Guangzhou office
Shanghai > Working Group Meeting

Pharmaceutical Working Group: 2020 Kick-off Meeting

Pharmaceutical Working Group: 2020 Kick-off Meeting

  • 2020-01-07 | 14:30 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

On 24 October 2019, President Xi declared blockchain "a crucial breakthrough point for the indigenous innovation of core technologies" and stressed the application of blockchain in the innovation of digital economy, optimizing the business environment and advancing China's supply-side reform and high-quality development. He also underscored exploring the application of "blockchain plus" in people's livelihood and advancing the integration of underlying technology service of blockchain with the building of new type of smart cities.

Today Blockchain still involves many challenges, but from an applied point of view, it goes beyond specific technical problems and uses fundamental principles to think about complex phenomena. In China, the application of Blockchain technology has been extended to sectors including digital finance, Internet of Things, smart manufacturing, supply chain management and digital asset trading.

What does this mean to your China business? What are the new opportunities and challenges? How do the other companies, such as Coca Cola and Walmart, use Blockchain technologies in their practice? What could you learn from them? And how?
The European Chamber is delighted to welcome Chun Yin Cheung, Partner of PwC, Kevin Feng, COO of Vechain and Phipps Xue, Director of SAP Labs together to an open discussion on Blockchain with you. They will share with you their latest insights, experience and case studies to shed some light on the hot topics above.

  • 2020-01-07 | 09:00 - 11:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204