
2012-06-12 > All chapters

China Bond Market Is Ready for Takeoff

China is the opposite of other major economies when it comes to companies’ ability to raise money by issuing bonds.

China’s 4.2 trillion yuan ($666 billion) corporate bond market is just 9 percent of its gross domestic product. In the U.S., the $7.9 trillion in fixed-income securities is equal to more than half the size of economic output.

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2012-06-11 > All chapters

European Chamber referenced in Karel De Gucht speech on Chinese investment in Europe

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Jean Monnet is famous, in this town at least, for a great many things. But one of the most important is for his ability to push ahead even in difficult times. In his words, "what is important is neither to be optimistic, nor pessimistic but to be determined."

We are certainly at a moment in Europe when determination is required. The economic and political challenges before us are great enough for that.

In my field of work that means using all possible means to open markets so that they can, in turn, spur economic growth.

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2012-06-06 > All chapters



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2012-06-05 > All chapters

Lower barriers urged for jump in investment

China needs to speed up reforms to create more opportunities for foreign and local companies, leading business analysts have warned, as European and American companies complain of a restrictive regulatory environment in the country.

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2012-05-31 > All chapters

Group says European companies might shift investment away from China due to market barriers

BEIJING — Frustrated by China’s market barriers, European companies might shift future investment to other economies, a business group said Tuesday, in an unusually pointed warning about a possible backlash over Beijing’s trade policies.

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2012-05-31 > All chapters

China Investment Appeal Waning Adds To Wen’s Challenge

China’s rising labor costs and a deteriorating regulatory environment are prompting almost a quarter of European Union companies to consider shifting investments to other countries, a survey showed.

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2012-05-31 > All chapters



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2012-05-29 > All chapters

Business Confidence Survey 2012: Despite strong growth optimism, regulatory concerns and rising costs are impacting upon European companies’ investment plans.

Beijing, 29 May 2012 -- China is becoming an increasingly important strategic market for European companies, but a significant proportion may shift investments away from China’s increasingly costly marketplace to other countries due to increased market pressures and missed opportunities caused by market access and regulatory barriers, according to the Business Confidence Survey 2012 released today by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.

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2012-05-28 > All chapters

Chamber head speaking on China's concern over Euro crisis on CNN

Davide Cucino, President of the European Chamber, was interviewed by CNN on May 21st, 2012, on China's concern over Euro crisis. Explaining a weakening Europe will affect China, Mr. Cucino shared the insights of European business in China.

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