Members News

2023-04-04 > All chapters

Arup announces new leadership in East Asia

We are pleased to announce that Andy Lee has been appointed as our East Asia Region Chair, while James Sze has been appointed as Region COO.

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2020-12-14 > Beijing

Walmart China Blockchain Traceability Platform

While the food safety situation in China gradually improves, consumer expectations for food safety and quality are also on the rise.

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2020-11-06 > South China

OptoFidelity opens a new manufacturing center in China.

OptoFidelity is an agile, globally operating measurement automation partner with wide range of expertise in smart device testing. Company headquarters are located in the high-tech city of Tampere in Finland.

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2020-11-02 > All chapters

Why rebrand? Mazars announces global rebrand

For over 75 years Mazars has operated as one team. Mazars has come a long way since Robert Mazars set up his accountancy firm in Rouen, France, in 1945.

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2020-10-26 > Tianjin

The Future of Data Centres in China - A Launch Event and Global Perspectives

Chayora is delighted to now have live operations underway at our first campus facility serving the greater Beijing region!

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2020-10-21 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Mazars rebrand marks a key milestone

Mazars, the international tax, audit and advisory firm, today unveils its new global brand identity in over 90 countries and territories, marking a key milestone in the firm’s evolution.

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2020-09-28 > South China

Total Eren, Eren Industries, and Aden launch Tera, a company dedicated to China’s clean energy transition

Aden Group and Eren Groupe – through two of its subsidiaries, Eren Industries and Total Eren – are pleased to announce the launch of “Tera Energies”, their joint venture in China.

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2020-09-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

Total Eren, Eren Industries and Aden launch Tera Energies

Aden Group and Eren Groupe – through two of its subsidiaries, Eren Industries and Total Eren – are pleased to announce the launch of “Tera Energies”, their joint venture in China.

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2020-09-03 > South China

15-year Plan for China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City

The State Council approved a 15-year plan for the development of China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, jointly presented by the Guangdong provincial government and the Ministry of Commerce, and pressed for sound implementation.

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