Peace Garden Peace Festival 2022 -- CISB Go back »

2022-09-28 | Beijing

Peace Garden Peace Festival 2022 -- CISB

CISB, has proudly hosted this event in past years. Mr. Prescott was very pleased to have twelve grade 12 students and Mrs. Leila Rabord, the grade 12 faculty advisor join him at this event. The students acted as youth ambassadors, greeting the invited dignitaries, directing them to their seats, engaging in conversations around the topic of education and youth involvement in peace initiatives and passing the peace doves to the dignitaries at the right moment, for release, as a tangible sign of the desire for everyone to live, work and play in a world that has at its core, a foundation built upon peace!

The year 2022 coincides with the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the protection of the world cultural and national heritage. This year’s International Day of Peace Celebration will focus on the topics under the theme of “Shared Heritage, Shared Value, Shared Future”.

The onstage program included a review of previous Peace Festivals via a video. This was followed by a congratulatory message from the Director General of UNESCO; several pre-recorded messages from ambassadors/diplomatic envoys unable to attend, as well as onstage messages from the Chairman of the China World Peace Foundation Dr. Li Ruohong; messages from international dignitaries, relevant Chinese government officials, distinguished guests and youth representatives. The ceremony also included the awarding of “Peace Medals” to those making significant and long-standing contributions to the cause of peace. Additionally, during the event, the winning photography awards for announced for various age categories. More than 5000 submissions were received from across the world. The photographs were amazing, with dozens on display for the audience to view. Youth engagement and understanding continues to be a critical component of the desired peace all speakers addressed in their remarks.

Source: CISB