New YCYW Brand Spotlights Education Pathfinder Vision Go back »

2021-11-01 | Beijing

New YCYW Brand Spotlights Education Pathfinder Vision

YCYW 90th anniversary:

Counting down the days to a milestone 90th anniversary, Yew Chung Yew Wah Education has refreshed its brand identity, inspired by the network's historic mission and social aspirations.

The coming anniversary marks both a celebration of an extraordinary journey undertaken by our visionary founder Madam Tsang Chor-hang, as well as a remarkable new beginning.

For close to a century, Yew Chung and Yew Wah have grown from a tiny seed lovingly planted in Hong Kong, into a modern international education system with growing reach, social commitment and academic impact.

The upcoming 90th anniversary offers an opportunity to reflect upon our founder's prescience and grit. It also gives us a chance to craft a new vision for the future.

Source: YCYW Education