Raylase Laser Technology (Shenzhen) 's experience in management during covid-19 pandemic Go back »

2020-08-27 | South China


Raylase Laser Technology (Shenzhen) sharing their management experience during the covid-19 pandemic

The following is a summary share by the Director of Operations at Olivia Lee

以下是由 李欣欣 Olivia 运营总监  Director of Operations 所作出的总结性分享

1.     Answering questions回答3个问题

1、 目前面临的最大挑战







2、 如何尝试解决目前遇到的挑战







3、 经验教训与体会感悟



3.3把加强身心健康管理,提高免疫力作为企业文化的常态(公司5年前就聘请心理专家兼管理顾问对中高管和普通员工已开展管理咨询和心理建设等工作),及时对员工进行心理干预 ,把心理成长作为企业的社会责任,开展多层次身心健康活动,目前无一员工因身心问题辞职。;



Company Brief Introduction / 公司简介



1. Our biggest challenges 

1.1 The continuous economic downturn, the trade war and the NCP epidemic have brought great compact to the supply chains of laser industry, directly affecting our  production, sales orders, supply chain and logistics (as our company is mainly on the Chinese market).

1.2 Material and other costs have increased dramatically.

1.3 Great stress for NCP epidemic control and prevention with additional costs (such as purchase of telecommuting software, health protective materials, etc.)

1.4 Due to anxiety and psychological panic, our employees might cause instability

1.5 Our existing office system cannot meet the demands of telecommuting.

1.6 Uncertainty of resuming work would lead to a greater loss.


2. Our strategies and plans to meet the challenges

2.1 Improve the performance and diversity of products, so that our products can adapt to as many laser processing application scenarios as possible;

2.2 Develop a vertically integrated system from control unit, software interface to scanning unit and provide package solutions ;

2.3 Sharpen competitiveness with moving service, customized service and quick response to high-quality service;

2.4 Market survey , negotiating with the present suppliers and the expansion of new suppliers should be carried out;

2.5 A Wechat group has been established to help our employees with psychological comfort and mental work by specially hired psychological experts of the company at this NCP period, and strengthening epidemic prevention propaganda and relevant information sharing;

2.6 We have set up a NCP Epidemic Command to deal with both internal prevention control and external liaison for resumption of work at the earliest possible time;

2.7 A big push on lean production (to achieve 3”s" management this year) and innovation management for efficiency;

2.8 After a discussion with our members, a schedule has been worked out in advance to make up for absence . 


3. Lessons learned and experiences

1. Small scaled enterprises and the current customers with small sales volume

 shouldn’t be ignored because of good revenue and large volume, we should attach equal  importance to the needs of all customers.  Developing customers with a variety of business is also important (sometimes, they might have better risk tolerance );

3.2 Learning advanced management experience constantly to innovate our operation

mode , reduce cost and improve the overall  efficiency, which was proved by the practice of lean production  two years ago;

3.3 To strengthen physical and mental health, and to enhance immunity as a norm of the enterprise culture, we have hired a psychological expert (also as a consultant) for our executives and workers (timely psychological intervention, psychological growth and so on);

3.4 Taking good care of the environment and living a healthy and self-disciplined life (the company always advocates green environmental protection and healthy life, insisting on doing work break exercises );

3.5 Always prepared for the rainy day .


Brief Introduction About RAYLASE

RAYLASE offers high-precision components for fast deflection and modulation of laser beams. These comprise top-quality optical elements, galvanometer scanners and control electronics with an intuitive software interface. Customers across the globe rely on the unique performance and reliability of our deflection units. These components form the cornerstone of industrial laser systems for scanning printed codes, marking textiles and surfaces, welding metal plates and plastics, and cutting and drilling semiconductor wafers and many other materials, including metal, plastic or glass. RAYLASE also develops and manufactures intelligent solutions with machine vision for the setup, automation and monitoring of laser processes and for additive manufacturing.