Local News

2021-09-03 > South China

European Companies Make Outstanding Contributions to South China

3rd September 2021, Shenzhen – The European Chamber South China Chapter today recognised companies’ outstanding contributions to the South China region at an award ceremony in Shenzhen attended by business leaders, local government and media.

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2021-09-03 > South China

European companies committed to South China, seek improvements to the business environment

The European Chamber South China Chapter launched the Business Confidence Survey 2021. The report details European companies’ outlook on the business environment over the next two years and highlights the key challenges they face.

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2021-06-02 > South China

Business Advisory for Members Regarding Power Shortage Issues

Recently, some member companies of the Manufacturing Forum, European Chamber South China Chapter, have faced the same imposed power cuts by authorities across Guangdong Province which will likely continue for the upcoming months.

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2021-05-08 > Shanghai

Farewell Letter from Vice President and Shanghai Chapter Chairman Carlo Diego D'Andrea

After 4 wonderful years, the time has come for me to step down as Chairman of the Shanghai Chapter of the European Chamber.

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2006-10-01 > All chapters

Secretary General Talks about China's WTO Partnership on CCTV French Channel

As Secretary General of the European Chamber, Giorgio Magistrlli talked about China's WTO Partnership on CCTV French Channel's "Rencontres" programme.

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2006-07-01 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke Talks about Business China with OECD Observer

China has dominated policy and business thinking since the start of the century. Much has been written about its economic transformation and governance, about its huge business potential, and more recently about its influence as a major player in the wider world economy. But what is it actually like to do business there? Joerg Wuttke is vice-president of the European Chamber of Commerce in China and has been doing business there for 16 years. OECD Observer asked Mr Wuttke for some personal insights.

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2006-02-27 > All chapters

EGM of the European Chamber Talks about EU Economy in 2006 on CCTV9

on 27th February 2006, the Executive General Manager of the European Chamber Giorgio Magistrelli talked about "EU Economy in 2006" on CCTV9's Dialogue programme.

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