Advocacy Actions

2023-08-31 > All chapters

European Chamber Business Delegation Visit to Zhejiang

On 31st August and 1st September, European Chamber Vice President Carlo D'Andrea led a business delegation to visit Hangzhou and Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province.

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2023-07-11 > Beijing

Comments on the draft implementation regulation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) during its transitional period

On 11th July, the Carbon Market Sub-working Group and multiple Working Groups submitted comments to the European Commission on the draft implementation regulation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) during its transitional period.

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2023-05-26 > Beijing

Vice President Miguel Montoya Speaks at Beijing International Youth Innovation and Development Forum

Mr. Miguel Montoya, vice president of the European Chamber delivered a speech on “How to empower the innovative development of youth talents” as one of the keynote speakers at the Beijing International Youth Innovation and Development Forum on 26th May 2023.

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2022-12-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

AFB and Carbon Market Joint WG Meeting with the Netherlands Embassy on the Progress and Prospects for Agricultural Decarbonisation

On 15th December, the European Chamber’s Agriculture, Food and Beverage (AFB) Working Group and the Carbon Market Sub-Working Group organized a joint meeting on the progress and prospects for decarbonisation in the agriculture sector, where the Agricultural Counselor of Netherlands Embassy presented an overview of the agricultural sector in the Netherlands, highlighting the Dutch agricultural markets, greenhouse gas emissions, and the country's innovative land management approaches to reducing emissions.

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2022-10-26 > Beijing

Meeting on Decarbonization for Automotive

Held the first meeting of the series themed on Decarbonization for Automotive Industry on 26 October.

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