Government Updates

2009-02-24 > All chapters

CAAC: Notice of Issuing Management Advice of CAAC on the Airline Branch Set-up

CAAC: Notice of Issuing Management Advice of CAAC on the Airline Branch Set-up

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2009-02-24 > All chapters

CUSTOMS: Ministry of Finance, General Administration of Customs, and State Administration of Taxatio

CUSTOMS: Ministry of Finance, General Administration of Customs, and State Administration of Taxation, No. 43 [2008]: Announcement of Adjusting Some Preferential Policies concerning Import Taxes

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2009-02-24 > All chapters

Food poisoning hospitalizes at least 40 people in NE China

A 60-year old man is seriously ill and at least 40 people in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province fell sick after eating snack food from a shopping center on Monday, say health authorities.

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2009-02-24 > All chapters

Steel makers' net profit plummets in '08

The China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) said Monday that the aggregate net profit of 71 medium-sized and large steel producers fell 43 percent in 2008 as weak demand drove down prices.

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2009-02-24 > All chapters

China Daily rings NASDAQ opening bell to celebrate US edition launch

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Qu Yingpu of China Daily, China's national English-language newspaper, ran the opening bell at the NASDAQ OMX Stock Market at 9:30 am EST Monday to mark the launch of China Daily's US edition especially tailored for the American readers, though China Daily started distributing its China edition in the US market in 1983.

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2009-02-24 > All chapters

Govt vows to spend more on social security

The government will vastly increase spending on social security to improve people’s livelihood and safeguard social stability and harmony. The policy was announced during a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee yesterday.

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2009-02-24 > All chapters

Stimulus methods dominate agenda

Dealing with the global economic downturn and jobs will be high on the agenda of lawmakers and political advisors when they meet in Beijing early next month for the annual parliamentary sessions, analysts have said.

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2009-02-24 > All chapters

China central bank warns of near-term deflation risk

China's central bank on Monday warned of deflation in the near term caused by continuing downward pressure on prices.

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2009-02-24 > All chapters

Trade team heads to EU for big deals

A high-level business delegation heads to Europe today to sign deals potentially worth billions of dollars on a “wide range of buying interests”.

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