Government Updates

2013-01-03 > All chapters

CSRC: Issue the Treatment Measures of Information Safety Incidents Reports and Investigation in Securities and Futures Industry


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

NDRC: Issue the 12th Five Year Plan of Facilities Construction Plan of Cultural and Natural Heritage


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Temporary Measures for the Administration of the Registration of Property Rights of State-Owned Assets in Central Cultural Enterprises


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Temporary Measures for the Administration of Evaluating State-Owned Assets of Central Cultural Enterprises


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2007-12-20 > All chapters

Call for Comments- New Energy Law of the P.R.C

The Office of National Energy Leading Group released has a draft of the New Energy Law of the P.R.C, on energy development, utilization and management

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2007-12-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Industrial Structure Reform Guidance Catalogue 2007 (Draft for Comments)

NDRC has released the latest draft of Industrial Structure Reform Guidance Catalogue 2007 and is calling for comments. The public consultation will close on 30th December,2007.

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2007-10-08 > Beijing

Ministry of Railways Encourages Innovation

Ministry of Railways Encourages Innovation

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