Government Updates

2018-11-27 > All chapters

PBC CBIRC CSRC: Jointly Release Guiding Opinions on Improving the Supervision of Systemically Important Financial Institutions

央行、银保监会、证监会 联合发布《关于完善系统重要性金融机构监管的指导意见》

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2018-11-27 > All chapters

PBC: Respondents' Remarks on the Guiding Opinions on Improving the Supervision of Systemically Important Financial Institutions

央行 有关负责人就《关于完善系统重要性金融机构监管的指导意见》答记者问

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2018-11-27 > All chapters

SAMR: Notice of Announcing General Rules for the Implementation of Industrial Product Production Licenses and Regulations

市监总局 关于公布工业产品生产许可证实施通则及实施细则的公告

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2018-11-26 > All chapters

SCIO: Press Conference on the Release of China’s Coping Policies and Actions on Climate Changes Report (2018)

国新办 《中国应对气候变化的政策与行动2018年度报告》发布会

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2018-11-25 > All chapters

CBIRC: Increasing the Opening-up Extent, Several Market Access Applications of Foreign Banks and Insurance Institutes were Approved

银保监会 加大对外开放力度,多项外资银行、保险机构市场准入申请获得批准

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2018-11-24 > All chapters

Premier Li: Encouraged Private and Foreign Enterprises to Participate in the Construction and Operation of Logistics Hubs

李克强 鼓励民企外企等社会资本参与物流枢纽建设运营

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2018-11-23 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice on Strengthening Safe Production in Commercial Fields by the Office

商务部 办公厅关于加强当前商贸领域安全生产工作的通知

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2018-11-22 > All chapters

GAC: Announcement of Issuing Standards for Custom Certificating Enterprises (No. 177, 2018)

海关总署 关于公布《海关认证企业标准》的公告(2018年第177号)

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2018-11-21 > All chapters

MOJ: To Clean Up Unfavorable Regulations and Improve the Development of Legal Environment for Private Enterprises

司法部 全面清理不利规则,改善民营企业发展法制环境

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