Government Updates

2011-01-11 > All chapters

MEP: Calls for Comment on Technical Guideline on the Capacity Building of Environmental Information


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2011-01-11 > All chapters

SFDA: Issued Catalogue for the Standard Chinese Names of International Cosmetics Ingredients (2010)

为加强化妆品原料监督管理,进一步规范国际化妆品原料标准中文名称命名,在卫生部发布的《国际化妆品原料标准中文名称目录》(2007年版)的基础上,国家食品药品监督管理局组织对美国化妆品盥洗用品及香水协会2008年出版的《国际化妆品原料字典和手册(第十二版)》[International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook Twelfth Edition(2008)]中所收录的原料命名进行了翻译,完成了《国际化妆品原料标准中文名称目录》(2010年版)(以下简称《目录》)。为做好相关工作,日前,国家食品药品监督管理局印发通知就有关问题进行了明确:

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2011-01-11 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice on Regulating On-line Sales Promotion


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2011-01-05 > All chapters

Public Procurement Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Public Procurement Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

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2011-01-05 > All chapters

Travel Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Travel Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

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2007-12-20 > All chapters

Call for Comments- New Energy Law of the P.R.C

The Office of National Energy Leading Group released has a draft of the New Energy Law of the P.R.C, on energy development, utilization and management

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2007-12-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Industrial Structure Reform Guidance Catalogue 2007 (Draft for Comments)

NDRC has released the latest draft of Industrial Structure Reform Guidance Catalogue 2007 and is calling for comments. The public consultation will close on 30th December,2007.

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