Banking and Securities (Sub-working Group) Go back »

The Banking & Securities Working Group represents about 40 banking & securities financial institutions in China. The Working Group looks to engage with the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the other financial services regulators in order to improve the operating environment for European banking and securities enterprises in China.

  • Chair: Mr Mario Huang Yu, Intesa Sanpaolo (Shanghai)
  • Vice Chair: Ms Liu Ran, Societe Generale (Beijing); Mr Paul Monnier, Natixis (Shanghai); Ms Wendy Zhu, Credit Agricole CIB (Shanghai)

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Chamber contact
Kalina Pateva
Kalina Pateva


+86 (10) - 64622066 ext. 32
Click to email

Kalina Pateva
Kalina Pateva


+86 (10) - 64622066 ext. 32
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