EU Parliamentary Greens/EFA visit Shanghai Go back »

2007-08-19 | Shanghai

EU Parliamentary Greens/EFA visit Shanghai

On Thursday, August 30th, the Shanghai Chapter of the European Chamber met with a visiting delegation of the Members of the European Parliament from the Green Party/EFA (European Free Alliance led by Monica Frassoni, Co-President of the Greens/EFA) in the European Parliament.

The European Chamber was represented by Board Member, Pieter de Jong, and General Manager, Thomas Felber. The meeting was intended to allow the visiting delegation the chance to be briefed directly by those in industry. To that effect the Chamber had invited relevant Working Group members to participate and ensure that the interests of European industry were properly represented. This included the Chair of the Environmental Working Group, Frederic Grivel, SSWS, as well as representatives from the CSR Working Group, Sabrina Gu, B&Q, and Berenice Voets, APCO, and finally in attendance on behalf of the HR Working Group Sabine de Villoutreys, Arkema and Matthew Durham, Simmons & Simmons.

At the informal lunch briefing, Piter de Jong made a short welcome speech, highlighting the importance of green issues in China. Ms. Frassoni introduced her colleagues, a delegation of 15 people from many European countries representing a wide number of environmental and social issues. Members of the working groups then introduced their general topics and how the groups function. A lively and frank discussion ensued about topics ranging from energy efficiency, to securing supply chains, to ensuring quality in labour standards. The only drawback to the event was that it could not go on longer.

The Chamber welcomes the Greens/EFA to visit China again soon and looks forward to more cooperation in the future.