China's ESG regulations have developed significantly in recent years setting mandatory framework for certain industries. With the revised Company Law stipulating that companies, when doing business, shall “fully consider” the interests of their employees as well as environmental protection, and are encouraged to publish social responsibility reports, it becomes clear that companies need to ensure their compliance also in the ESG area. The developing ESG legal framework makes it difficult for companies to maintain a detailed and comprehensive overview.
At the same time, the whistleblower culture in China, combined with government reward systems for reporting violations to the authorities, increases the risk of companies being subject to sanctions and penalties.
Companies shall therefore pay attention to ESG regulatory developments in China to assure their compliance. Implementing digital compliance software and whistleblower systems can help companies to ensure their compliance, address compliance breaches early and minimize the risks of being exposed and penalized by authorities.
By proactively embracing these best practices, organizations can stay ahead of regulatory changes, minimize compliance risks, and build a sustainable and responsible business presence in the Chinese market.
Outline of presentation I: Employees need rules not regulations: Task-based compliance systems and their advantages in managing complex environmental (EHS, ESG) requirements
- Introduction of the growing importance of digital compliance
- Challenges of EHS Compliance in China
- Managing sustainable frameworks such as ESG
- Advantages of Digital Compliance in China
- Shaping a sustainable future
Outline of presentation II: Whistleblower systems as part of ESG/EHS compliance systems: Legal framework and tips for their implementation
1. Legal framework for whistleblower protection in China
2. Practical and cultural challenges when implementing whistleblower systems
3. Tips for their implementation
The speaker aims to underscore the pivotal role of digital compliance in China, accentuating the transformative potential of digital solutions regarding environmental, health and safety aspects and their sustainable impact while navigating the complex compliance landscape.
08:00-08:30 Registration & Networking with breakfast
08:30-08:32 welcome speech by Dr. Florian Hobelsberger, Board member of European Chamber Nanjing chapter
08:32-09:10 Presentation I by Mr. Dominik Nowak, Managing Director & Legal Representative China, Eticor International
09:10-09:50 Presentation II by Mr. Ondrej Zapletal, Legal Advisor, Burkardt & Partner Rechtsanwälte in Shanghai
09:50-10:10 Q&A
10:10-10:12 Closing remarks by Dr. Florian Hobelsberger, Board member of European Chamber Nanjing chapter
10:12 End of the event
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