[Agenda Updated] 2nd Carbon Neutrality Conference - The Role of European Business in China's Race to 2060 中国欧盟商会第二届碳中和大会- 欧洲企业助力中国实现2060愿景 Go back »
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Time2022-11-02 - 2022-11-02 | 12:30 - 21:00
Venue:Junior Ballroom, 2F of Shangri-La Hotel Tianjin
Fee:Members: RMB950/RMB660/RMB400 |
Non Members: RMB1350/RMB1160/RMB600
The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to participate in 2nd Carbon Neutrality Conference: The Role of European Business in China's Race to 2060 at Shangri-La Hotel Tianjin on Wednesday, 2nd November 2022.
The conference is co-organized by Green Partnership of Industrial Parks and supported by TEDA Administrative Commission.
This event is also in memory of Guido Giacconi, former Vice President of the European Chamber, and a former passionate leader of the Chamber’s Energy Working Group, who visited Tianjin several times and supported this conference as the keynote speaker last year. Guido was a significant contributor to the Chamber’s newly published “Carbon Neutrality” report which will be presented in this conference by President Wuttke.
Both online and offline participation are available 会议开放线上线下参会。
High level officials from Tianjin Development and Reform Commission, Tianjin Commerce Bureau, Tianjin Industrial and Information Technology Bureau, Tianjin Power Exchange Center, Tianjin Carbon Neutralization Operation Service Center , TEDA have confirmed to participate to the carbon neutrality exhibition, deliver speeches and exchange with EU business during the conference.
天津市发改委、天津市商务局、天津市工信局、天津市电力交易中心、天津碳达峰碳中和运营服务中心、天津经开区管委会高层领导均已确认出席会议, 参观中欧碳中和挑战与努力展,并在会议期间与中欧企业交流座谈。
>> Agenda 会议安排:
Time 时间 |
Topics and Speakers 发言内容与嘉宾 |
Registration and carbon neutrality exhibition 大会签到,参观中欧碳中和挑战与努力展 Meeting with Tianjin Municipal Government, Tianjin Development and Reform Commission, Tianjin Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Tianjin Commerce Bureau 欧洲企业与天津市政府、市发改委、市工信局、市商务局高层闭门圆桌会(高层闭门会与大会签到同步开展,仅限受邀嘉宾) |
14:15-14:20 |
Welcome speech by Dr.Christoph Schrempp, Chair of the European Chamber Tianjin Chapter,General Manager of Airbus (Tianjin) Delivery Centre Ltd 欢迎致辞,克里斯托夫施伦普博士,中国欧盟商会天津分会主席,空中客车(天津)飞机交付中心有限公司总经理 |
14:20- 15:10 |
Keynote speeches 主旨演讲 1、Foreign Investment in Tianjin, He Zhineng, DDG of Tianjin Commerce Bureau 天津市外商投资与发展,何智能,天津市商务局副局长 2、(Online speech) Interpretation of the EU Green Deal Strategy, Ovtavian Stamate, Counsellor, Climate Action and Energy, Delegation of the European Union to China (线上发言) 欧盟绿色协议国家战略解读,傅维恩,欧盟驻华代表团气候行动与能源参赞 3、(Online speech) EU-China Carbon Markets: Progress and Outlook, Luyue Tan, Senior Analyst, Carbon, REFINITIV (线上发言)中欧碳市场最新进展与未来展望,谭琭玥,路孚特碳组高级分析师 |
Speed up China's Green Transition by the Power of Biotech, Lensey Chen, President of Novozymes China 生物技术助力中国绿色转型,陈晓慧,诺维信中国区总裁 |
15:25-15:40 |
(Online speech)Carbon Neutrality – The Role of European Business in China’s Race to 2060, Joerg Wuttke, President of the European Chamber, Vice President & Chief Representative of BASF China (线上发言)欧洲企业助力中国实现2060愿景 - 中国欧盟商会碳中和报告发布,伍德克,中国欧盟商会主席, 巴斯夫全球副总裁,中国首席代表 |
15:40-15:50 |
Interpretation of Policies on Green Development Released by Industrial Zones across China, Song Yuyan, Director, Secretariat of the Green Partnership of Industrial Parks 中国各省市工业园区绿色发展政策解读与市场机遇,宋雨燕,国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟秘书处主任 |
15:50-16:05 |
Tea Break 茶歇 |
16:05-16:20 |
How Taking a Life-cycle Approach is the Way Forward for Sustainability, Klaus Warmedinger, Managing Director, Ecolean China 采用生命周期方法是可持续发展前进之路, 爱克林中国总经理Klaus Warmedinger |
16:20-17:15 |
Panel Discussion 专家研讨 Moderator 研讨主持: Mickael Naouri ,Vice Chair of the European Chamber Energy Working Group, Corporate Affairs Director & H2E Senior Business Developer, Air Liquide China 米快乐,中国欧盟商会能源工作组副主席,法液空中国公共事务总监 Panelists 研讨嘉宾: Chang Yadi, Deputy Chief, Trading Division, Tianjin Power Exchange Center 畅雅迪,天津电力交易中心交易处副处长 (Online speech) Jet Chang, Vice Chair of the European Chamber Environment Working Group, Vice President, Public Affairs China, Tomra Group (线上发言)常新杰,中国欧盟商会环境工作组副主席,陶朗集团亚洲区公共事务副总裁 Bernd Averes, Board of the European Chamber Tianjin Chapter, General Manager Commercial, Volkswagen Automatic Transmission (Tianjin) Co., Ltd 柏杨,中国欧盟商会天津分会董事,大众变速器(天津)有限公司商务总经理 Martin Kaufung, CFO of Flender Ltd., China 高峰,弗兰德传动系统有限公司财务总监 (Online speech) Paulson Wei, General Manager, Business Assurance, DEKRA China (线上发言)韦斌生, 德凯集团中国认证与业务保障总经理 |
17:15-17:30 |
How does the European Chamber Energy Working Group Support Companies’ Decarbonization, Mickael Naouri ,Vice Chair of the European Chamber Energy Working Group, Corporate Affairs Director & H2E Senior Business Developer, Air Liquide China 中国欧盟商会能源工作组如何支持欧盟企业碳中和目标实现,米快乐,中国欧盟商会能源工作组副主席,法液空中国公共事务总监 |
17:30-17:45 |
Implement Carbon Neutrality in the Construction Field of China and the EU through Standards,Johnny Li,Manager for Northern China, The UK Building Research Establishment Group 通过标准为中欧建筑领域践行碳中和,李昂,英国建筑研究院北方区负责人 |
17:45-17:50 |
Closing Remarks by Vice President of EUCCC 中国欧盟商会副主席闭幕致辞 |
17:50-21:05 |
China-Europe Business Dinner: Energy, Carbon and the Future 中欧交流晚宴:能源、碳与未来 Guest Speakers 致辞嘉宾: Welcome Speech by Vice President of EUCCC 中国欧盟商会副主席致晚宴欢迎辞 |
>> Confirmed speakers and guests 确认出席会议的嘉宾 :
The EU Side 欧洲方面:
Counsellor in charge of Climate Action and Energy, Delegation of the European Union to China 欧盟驻华代表团气候行动与能源参赞傅维恩
President Wuttke, the European Chamber 中国欧盟商会伍德克主席
Vice President Carlo D'Andrea, Vice President Massimo Bagnasco, the European Chamber 中国欧盟商会副主席代开乐、马晓利
Chairs of the European Chamber Energy, Environment Working Group 中国欧盟商会能源工作组、环境工作组副主席
Chair of the European Chamber Tianjin Chapter 中国欧盟商会天津分会施伦普主席
Representatives of European Advanced Manufacturing Enterprises 先进制造业欧洲企业代表
China Side 中国方面:
Vice Mayor of Tianjin 天津市副市长 (拟邀)
Tianjin Development and Reform Commission 天津市发展和改革委员会
Tianjin Industrial and Information Technology Bureau 天津市工业与信息化局
Tianjin Commerce Bureau 天津市商务局
TEDA Administrative Commission 天津经开区管委会
Tianjin Carbon Neutralization Operation Service Center 天津碳达峰碳中和运营服务中心
Tianjin Power Exchange Center 天津电力交易中心
Tianjin Development Zones Association /Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Industrial Coordinated Innovation Centre (Tianjin)
Green Partnership of Industrial Parks 国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟
Leading enterprises in the field of green innovation 中国绿色创新行业领军企业
>> Meeting Language 会议语言: Chinese with simultaneous English interpretation available 中英文同声传译
>> Dress code 会议着装:Business causal 商务正装
>> Price 会议费用:
Member price 会员优惠价:RMB950(for conference + dinner), RMB660(conference only), RMB400 (dinner only)
Non-member price 非会员价: RMB1350 (for conference + dinner), RMB1160(conference only), RMB600 (dinner only)
>> Sponsorship 赞助计划
Platinum sponsor 铂金赞助: RMB 40,000
Golden sponsor 金牌赞助: RMB 25,000
Silver sponsor 银牌赞助: RMB 10,000
Company exhibition 企业展示: RMB 4,000
Gift partner 礼品赞助: RMB 3,000
(Please find the detail in attachment below. 赞助方案详细内容请见下方附件)
>> Payment 付款方式:报名后请将参会费汇款至以下账户,并在银行转账单上附注TJ20221102 或 联系商会工作人员付费
A/C Name: 中国欧盟商会
A/C No.: 7110210182500027543
China CITIC Bank 中信银行京城大厦支行
>> Accommodation recommendation 住宿推荐
Shangri-La Hotel Tianjin 天津香格里拉大酒店
No. 328 Haihe East Road, Hedong District, Tianjin 天津河东区海河东路328号
Price: 800RMB for deluxe river view king-size or twin-size room per night with double breakfast
Contact 联系人:张帆 18622691323(订房需告知联系人参加中国欧盟商会碳中和大会)
>> Cancellation取消政策:
If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than 24 hours prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be fully charged for event costs. You may cancel online or notify the contact person in the European Chamber.如果您不能参加已注册过的活动,请至少在活动开始72小时之前取消您的注册。若您未能及时地通知我们,我们将收取您相应的活动费用。您可以联系工作人员取消,也可以网上自行取消。
>> Disclaimer 免责声明:
Participants must maintain proper social distancing norms and abide by the Tianjin Municipal Government’s Epidemic Prevention and Control Rules (eg. wearing masks and so on). If you do not follow the relevant regulations, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China accepts no responsibility for any of your physical discomfort caused during and after the event. Thank you for your cooperation. 参与活动时,参会人应与他人保持适当距离(防疫考虑)并遵守天津市政府颁布的疫情预防控制要求(例如佩戴口罩等)。如您违反要求,中国欧盟商会对于您在活动中或者活动后的身体不适,不承担任何责任。 感谢您的理解和配合。