EU-China Investment Agreement Go back »


In January 2014, EU and China started the negotiations for a Bilateral Investment Agreement. This would be the EU’s first ever stand-alone investment agreement and would aim to streamline the current bilateral investment protection agreements in place between China and EU Member States into a single text. Importantly, another objective of the agreement includes to improve access for European investments into the Chinese market – addressing important issues like mandatory joint ventures and other barriers that European companies face when investing in China. The European Chamber developed a common stance on suggested requirements for an investment agreement following a survey and numerous meetings with our member companies. This position, which maintained that negotiations must include pre-establishment market access issues, was passed to relevant EU authorities in a number of meetings including with the DG Trade Director responsible for negotiations, EU Parliamentary hearings in Brussels on EU-China Investment Policy and as well at Market Access Team meetings on Investment.


Related article:

The EU-China Bilateral Investment Agreement: What's in it for your company?

For more information please contact

Mr. Xavier-Lluis Sans Powell