
In today's international environment, a large number of foreign-funded enterprises are concerned about economic shocks and pursue flexible cash liquidity to ensure that overseas subsidiaries in need have enough cash. Our event will discuss the compliance requirements and tax considerations when companies based in China need to repatriate cash offshore.现今的国际环境下,大量外资企业出于对经济震荡的顾虑,追求灵活的现金流动性,以保障有需求的境外分公司拥有足够现金。我们的活动将讨论当位于中国的企业需要调拨现金至境外时有哪些税务合规要求及税务考量点。

  • 2024-05-15 | 14:30 - 16:15
  • TC Group Nanjing office 道普瑞绅管理咨询南京办公室

Communication has always been a big deal, whether it’s for infants waiting to be fed to or diplomacy and wars between countries. Communication with leaders, colleagues, cross-departmental partners and customers in the workplace is inescapable. As the old saying goes, “Triumph comes when leaders and followers share the same goal.” Good communication is the basis of building team cohesion and core competitiveness of enterprises. However, in our daily work, we always encounter departmentalism, gap and impassability, simple and rough, stormy communication methods. The solution for these problems is not only how to listen and how to express the problem, but also know whether the communication parties have the awareness of communication, learn the importance of communication management, what goal is determined as the purpose of communication in the organization, whether they can think in the other person's position when communicating and understand each other's needs and difficulties.

  • 2024-05-14 | 09:00 - 16:00

The European Chamber, in partnership with Roland Berger, cordially invites you to attend the launch of its Business Confidence Survey 2024 on 10th May, from 9:30–11:15 (Beijing time).

Instead of the strong economic rebound that businesses had hoped for, China’s reopening in 2023 brought more uncertainties for European firms operating in the country. China’s deeper structural issues—including sluggish demand, high levels of local government debt and the continued challenges in the real estate sector—continued to weigh on the prospects of both domestic and foreign companies, and the economy overall.

  • 2024-05-10 | 09:30 - 11:15
  • Teams/ European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter cordially invites you to participate in the oral health seminar "A Better Life, Starting from Teeth" to be held on May 10, 2024 (Friday) at Rytime Dental Hospital in Chongqing. Oral disease is one of the most common but also easily overlooked health issues. Together with the European Chamber, visit Rytime Dental Hospital, listen to seminars from dental experts on adult and child dental health, paid attention to the oral health, and cared for ourselves.

  • 2024-05-10 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • Chongqing Rytime Dental 重庆瑞泰口腔医院

本课程旨在通过将人工智能技术与Word(或WPS)和Excel相结合,帮助学员掌握高效的文档处理技能。与会者将学习如何使用人工智能技术来提高文件组织、报告、会议记录、数据处理等方面的效率。他们将能够根据自己的个人或团队风格创建副本和撰写总结报告,并使用先进的工具和技术在更短的时间内完成更复杂的数据分析和报告制作。This course is designed to help participants acquire efficient document processing skills by combining artificial intelligence technology with Word (or WPS) and Excel. Participants will learn how to use AI technology to improve the efficiency of document organization, reports, meeting minutes, data processing, etc. They will be able to create copy and write summary reports according to their personal or team styles, as well as use advanced tools and techniques to complete more complex data analysis and report production in a shorter time.

  • 2024-05-10 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou

Influence is not a new topic in business. But the reality is that many business managers are highly intelligent and capable, but they build an inefficient team. In the process of continuous development and expansion of enterprises, managers often attach importance to their own power, and departments emphasize their own interests, so projects often can not be well promoted and waste the company's resources. To overcome the problem of influence, every member of the organization must first have the will, ability, and means to invest in it and carry out meaningful practices.

This course aims at the problem of communication influence from the two perspectives of thinking mode and communication skills, so that students can understand the problems they face, adjust and improve their ability to achieve the goals of the organization. In the form of the course, vivid and flexible learning activities are designed with the idea of taking the students as the core, so as to make it easier for the students to master practical methods and skills to improve their communication and influence ability to a higher level.

  • 2024-05-09 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Teams online

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter and Bureau Veritas Certification sincerely invite you to participate in the online GSTC-Global Sustainable Tourism Certification Seminar on April 26, 2024 (Friday). With sustainable development becoming a global consensus, more and more travelers hope to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to environmental protection by choosing sustainable hotels. We hope that this seminar can increase the understanding of GSTC standards among members from different industries and jointly explore future trends in sustainable development.
中国欧盟商会西南分会和必维认证诚邀您参加将于2024年4月26日(星期五)在线上举办的 GSTC全球可持续旅游认证研讨会。随着可持续发展成为全球的共识,越来越多的旅客也希望通过选择可持续酒店来减少自己的碳足迹,为环境保护做出贡献。相信本场研讨会可以让来自不同行业的会员们增加对GSTC标准的了解,共同探讨未来可持续发展的趋势。

  • 2024-04-26 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • Online 线上研讨会


This course aims to help project managers, team members and individuals interested in project management deeply understand and master the new methods and logic of project management in the context of AI. Through systematic training, students can effectively prepare project plans and manage efficiently. Stakeholders, empower the research process, assist the execution process, accelerate preparations for launch, and ultimately improve the system usage effect and improve the finishing work.

  • 2024-04-26 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou

98% people nowadays are generally lack time quotient. The so-called "time quotient" is our attitude towards our own time, the attitude towards the time of others, and the ability to use time to create value. We're often so busy that we're answering messages while we're eating; So busy that there are only three days off in a month; Too busy to rest, exercise and spend time with family... ...Our biggest problem is that we spend 80 percent of our time being "busy."

98%的中国人普遍缺少“时间商”。所谓“时间商”,就是我们对待自己时间的态度,对待别人时间的态度,以及运用时间创造价的能力。我们经常忙到吃饭的时候都在回复各种信息;忙到一个月只有 3 天休息的日子;忙到没有时间休息、锻炼和陪伴家人……我们最大的问题,就是花费了80%的时间放在了一些所谓的“忙”上面。

  • 2024-04-23 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online webinar/ 线上培训

Advocating the concept of low carbon and developing a low carbon economy has become a global consensus. China, as a responsible major country in the world, has explicitly proposed the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" and has formulated clear strategies for this, known as the "Dual Carbon Strategy." Currently, an increasing number of enterprises are setting carbon reduction targets based on the requirements of international organizations for controlling global warming and their own actual situations, promoting low carbon transformation. They aim to establish ambitious emission reduction targets to ensure that their transformation actions are consistent with the level required by climate science. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, they hope to enhance their ambition for climate action. Green development has become an inevitable requirement for enterprises to achieve long-term development, which also helps to improve their competitive advantage and brand image.

To help more enterprises achieve emission reduction targets, formulate scientific carbon reduction plans, and create zero carbon factories, the European Chamber of Commerce in Shenyang and SGS cordially invite you to participate in the seminar focusing on "Dual Carbon" and supporting enterprises on the road to zero carbon, to be held in Shenyang on the afternoon of April 22nd. We will share with you the latest dual carbon policies, energy-saving and carbon reduction pathways, and help enterprises on the road to zero carbon.

  • 2024-04-22 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Sunwah International Conference Centre (Sunwah Tianxi Centre) 新华国际会议中心