
[Background 背景]

With over four decades of foreign-funded enterprises entering China, accompanied by China’s opening-up policy and active promotion of foreign investment, the legal framework applicable to foreign-funded enterprises has been continuously evolving. In order to provide a favorable and equitable business environment for foreign investment, the Foreign Investment Law came into effect in 2020, replacing the three old laws related to foreign investment and marking a new chapter where foreign-funded enterprises are equally subject to the Company Law. To meet the demands of economic development, the Company Law was revised at the end of last year and will come into effect on July 1, 2024. This revision proposes numerous new requirements concerning registered capital system, rights and responsibilities of shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior executives which will undoubtedly bring both new opportunities and challenges for foreign-funded enterprises.

“Capital” and “Person” have always been the two cornerstones for development of enterprises. Through this presentation, we will summarize the legislative evolution in recent years affecting foreign-funded enterprises, focusing on the impact of the new regulatory framework under Company Law from the perspectives of “Capital” and “Person” which are critical to corporate governance and operations. We will discuss topics such as capital contributions of shareholders, capital increase and decrease, equity transfer procedures, appointment of legal representatives, corporate governance structures, shareholders’ rights and responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of directors, supervisors, and senior executives, as well as risks and safeguards related to their roles.

  • 2024-06-18 | 14:30 - 17:00
  • Bourbon Room, 2F, Goose Island 鹅岛餐厅 二楼波本包间

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter cordially invites you to participate in the oral health seminar "A Better Life, Starting from Teeth" to be held on May 10, 2024 (Friday) at Rytime Dental Hospital in Chongqing. Oral disease is one of the most common but also easily overlooked health issues. Together with the European Chamber, visit Rytime Dental Hospital, listen to seminars from dental experts on adult and child dental health, paid attention to the oral health, and cared for ourselves.

  • 2024-05-10 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • Chongqing Rytime Dental 重庆瑞泰口腔医院

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter and Bureau Veritas Certification sincerely invite you to participate in the online GSTC-Global Sustainable Tourism Certification Seminar on April 26, 2024 (Friday). With sustainable development becoming a global consensus, more and more travelers hope to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to environmental protection by choosing sustainable hotels. We hope that this seminar can increase the understanding of GSTC standards among members from different industries and jointly explore future trends in sustainable development.
中国欧盟商会西南分会和必维认证诚邀您参加将于2024年4月26日(星期五)在线上举办的 GSTC全球可持续旅游认证研讨会。随着可持续发展成为全球的共识,越来越多的旅客也希望通过选择可持续酒店来减少自己的碳足迹,为环境保护做出贡献。相信本场研讨会可以让来自不同行业的会员们增加对GSTC标准的了解,共同探讨未来可持续发展的趋势。

  • 2024-04-26 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • Online 线上研讨会

Many foreign enterprises are B2B companies that need to develop a large number of enterprise-level clients in China. The customer base of B2B companies is characterized by intense competition, long procurement cycles, complex procurement decisions, and difficulty in exploring potential customers. Therefore, the branding and marketing teams of B2B companies encounter many challenges. This course aims to comprehensively analyze the pain points and characteristics of B2B clients, thereby enhancing the team's understanding of branding and marketing work for B2B companies, learning more management skills to apply in daily work, and improving marketing efficiency.

  • 2024-04-19 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Course - link will be shared prior to the training by email

HR Seminar

  • 2024-04-17 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • Conference Room - Beijing, ICC Club Managed by TEC, Level 5 Office Tower 1, Chengdu ICC ICC环球贸易广场一号办公楼5楼ICC会议中心-北京厅

By 2024, the era of short videos has emerged. Everyone shops using short videos, and everyone has a short video account. In recent years, our trainer Ulan Tuya has dealt with many public opinion crises triggered by user rights protection. The current trend is that more and more users, when asserting their rights, will prioritize using platforms like Douyin and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) to express their dissatisfaction. This training class will specifically discuss the behavior of user complaints on social media and aim to provide some ideas and methods for companies.


  • 2024-03-21 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online - TEAMS Training link will be shared prior to the training by email 线上课程 - TEAMS培训链接将于会议前发送到报名邮箱

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invites you to the Women ‘s Day Seminar- Invest in Women: Sharing from Female Consul Generals on March 7th (Thursday), 2024. We are honored to have Consul General Eva Yu from the Consulate General of Canada in Chongqing, Consul General TAKADA Mari from the Consulate General of Japan in Chongqing and Women Empowerment Council Trainer executive director Raquel Ramirez to share their stories. This event will be combined with an exquisite afternoon tea event on a five-star luxury cruise. While indulging in exquisite afternoon tea on the Century Cruise, you will have the opportunity to listen to insights from outstanding women, celebrating International Women's Day together. We believe it will be a memorable experience for you.
中国欧盟商会西南分会诚邀您参加将于2024年3月7日(星期四)在重庆举行的国际妇女节特别讲座。本次活动有幸邀请到加拿大驻重庆总领事的余忆华总领事,日本国驻重庆总领事馆的高田真里总领事及WE女性发展协会培训师及执行董事Raquel Ramirez 来分享她们的故事,此次活动将在五星豪华邮轮上结合精美下午茶活动,在享受精美游轮下午茶的同时倾听杰出女性的分享,共同庆祝国际妇女节,相信一定能给您带来一份难忘的体验。

  • 2024-03-07 | 15:00 - 17:30
  • Panorama Café & Bar , Century Cruises; Boarding gate: 11 quay, ChaoTianMen Dock

2024 International Women's Day Event

  • 2024-03-05 | 14:00 - 17:30
  • Chengdu Conference Room, ICC Club Managed By TEC, Level 5, Office Tower 1, Chengdu ICC (ICC环球贸易广场一号办公楼5楼-成都厅)

Caring Well for Your Employees: In a post-pandemic world with constant access due to advancing technologies, employees are reporting greater feelings of burn-out and stress than ever before in their jobs. The responsibility of the employer and the human resources team has become more than hiring practice and policies. Today employers must also consider staff wellbeing and how to care well for their employees. Hear tips on practical ways to address staff wellbeing and participate in scenarios on how to talk with staff when they are feeling overwhelmed and stressed in this upcoming HR Forum Seminar.

  • 2024-02-21 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • Chengdu International School (CDIS) 成都爱思瑟外籍人员子女学校

This course is tailored specifically for business professionals based on the actual working scenarios of enterprises. The course unfolds according to the 2W1H principle, explaining why slides don't look good, what kind of slides are professional-looking, and how to make professional slides. In addition, this course also covers PPT colour matching, design principles, slide editing skills and various practical guidelines, and will introduce skills on slide layout, mastering, graphic image processing, animation effects, multimedia use and slide show control. Through the study of this course, you can use slides to express your views flexibly and freely, and become an infectious and persuasive speaker.


  • 2024-01-30 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online - TEAMS training link will be shared prior to the training by email 线上课程 - TEAMS培训链接将于会议前发送到报名邮箱