The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, a strong advocate of CSR over the past years is proud to announce the launch of the 2018 CSR Awards.
The successful 2017 4th CSR Awards brought International and Chinese Business or organization Leaders, CSR experts, as well as representatives of Government from all over China together to Nanjing. 9 winners were selected and received trophies for their outstanding, innovative and world-class products, services, projects and programs implemented in the past or present.
The CSR Awards aim to acknowledge CSR successes, raise sustainability awareness, and share the CSR experiences with organizations looking to promote and exercise corporate responsibility in China.
This year there will be four categories and six awards given to MNCs, SMEs and NGOs who have shown excellence in impact innovation.
SMEs Award
Excellence in Responsible Innovation – award to SMEs that has shown excellence innovative projects to tackle with challenges in doing business in China.
NGOs/Social Enterprise Award
Excellence in Social Innovation Partnership – award to NGOs/social enterprises that has shown excellence in developing innovative partnership and sustainable projects.
MNCs Award
Excellence in Employee Development – award to companies that has shown excellence in promoting and enhancing CSR mindset and skills among employees.
Excellence in Responsible Value Chain – award to companies that has shown excellence in integrating sustainability into specific aspects/whole value chain and creating shared business and social impact.
Excellence in Sustainable Growth & Environment Protection – award to companies that has shown excellence in investing long-term environment and financial sustainability.
Special award:
Diversity and Inclusion Award – an award for companies that have shown excellence in promoting equal opportunity in the workplace.
Awards Ceremony Agenda
Registration and networking
Opening session
· Welcome speech by Mr. Bernhard Weber, Board Chair of European Chamber Nanjing Chapter
· 欢迎致辞-欧盟商会南京分会董事会主席魏博先生
· Keynote Speech by Government official
· 政府代表致辞
· Keynote speech delivered representatives from European states (TBC)
· 外方领事机构代表致辞
· Keynote speech delivered by Dr. Christophe Hebette, General Manager of BASF-YPC Company Limited
· 主旨演讲-扬子石化—巴斯夫有限责任公司总经理贺俞睿博士
Panel Speeches and Discussion I 小组讨论一
Being a responsible corporate citizen : Towards a green and sustainable future
Chaired by Mr. Zeljko Ivkovic, General Manager - Technology Solution Center (DB Schenker)
主持人:迪比信可信息技术服务(南京)有限公司总经理Zeljko Ivkovic先生
· Be responsible in Manufacturing- Build a greener China- Dr. Andreas Risch, Managing Director – GM of Fette Compacting (China) Co., Ltd.
负责任制造, 共建绿色中国-菲特(中国)制药科技有限公司总经理安睿史博士
· Global Challenge-CSR in global trade and value chain by Ms. Joyce Chau, Chief Representative, amfori
全球贸易新形势: 供应链中的企业社会责任-全球贸易协会中国首席代表周卓颖女士
· Build a Model of Sustainable Chemistry- Mr. Leo SUN, President of Solvay Greater China
· Industrial Transforming for Sustainability- Dr. WANG Xiaoguang, Director, CSR promotion Center, CHINA FEDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS
· 产业升级中的可持续未来-中国工业经济经济联合会企业社会责任促进中心主任王晓光博士
Award ceremony-Shortlisted Awards Presenting
Donation Ceremony-with Amity Foundation
Tea Break
Panel Speeches and Discussion II小组讨论二
From CSR to Corporate Social Innovation
Chaired by: Dr. Markus Hermann, Director Human Resources of BASF-YPC Company Limited
· Green Finance & Innovation Opportunities–Mr. Bruno Weill Chief Group Representative for China at BNP Paribas
· 绿色金融和创新应用-法国巴黎银行集团(中国)副董事长魏海诺先生
· How to link CSR innovatively with your business strategy in the textile industry? – Mr. Romain Millet, CEO of Group Beaumanoir China
· 纺织业企业社会责任与商业策略创新整合-博马努瓦集团中国区首席执行官敏晔先生
· How to maximize the CSR value through innovative platform-Tencent (TBC)
· Innovation paradigms and the circular economy – Ms. Chia-Lin Coispeau, Founding Partner of Maverlinn Impact Innovation
· Responsible Corporate: how can business innovatively support the development of community - Mr. Zhang Qi, Head of Public Affairs, Nestlé China
· 负责任企业如何与社区创新共享发展-雀巢中国公共事务总监张琦先生
Award ceremony-Final Winner Awards and Student Competition Awards Presenting
Closing Remarks by EUCCC
Note: all the entry fee will be donated to Amity Foundation
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