Advocacy Actions

2022-12-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

AFB and Carbon Market Joint WG Meeting with the Netherlands Embassy on the Progress and Prospects for Agricultural Decarbonisation

On 15th December, the European Chamber’s Agriculture, Food and Beverage (AFB) Working Group and the Carbon Market Sub-Working Group organized a joint meeting on the progress and prospects for decarbonisation in the agriculture sector, where the Agricultural Counselor of Netherlands Embassy presented an overview of the agricultural sector in the Netherlands, highlighting the Dutch agricultural markets, greenhouse gas emissions, and the country's innovative land management approaches to reducing emissions.

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2022-10-26 > Beijing

Meeting on Decarbonization for Automotive

Held the first meeting of the series themed on Decarbonization for Automotive Industry on 26 October.

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2021-03-18 > Beijing

Working Group Meeting with Energy Research Institute under NDRC on China's Energy Development Trends

On 18th March, the European Chamber and China Energy Storage Alliance (CNEAS) co-organised a Working Group Meeting on China's Energy Development Trends: Finding Pathways To a Carbon Neutral Future.

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2021-02-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Aleksandra Kozlowska, Trade Section, EUD on potential influence that CAI could have on existing R&D related policies in China

R&D WG chairs had a meeting with Ms. Aleksandra Kozlowska, Trade Section, EUD. The topic at the center of the meeting was the potential influence that the technology transfer provision in the CAI text could have on the existing Chinese policies on R&D.

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2021-01-05 > All chapters

Chief Negotiator for CAI debriefs European Chamber representatives on the Agreement

On 5th January, Chief Negotiator for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) Ms Maria Martin Prat and her team debriefed a group of Chamber industry representatives on the key points of the Agreement.

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2020-11-03 > Beijing

President Wuttke Presented Position Paper to China Centre for International Economic Exchange (CCIEE)

On 3rd November, the European Chamber had an online meeting with China Centre for International Economic Exchange (CCIEE). A delegation led by President Wuttke, including ICT Working Group (WG), Shipbuilding, QSS, R&D, Pharma and Energy WGs attended the meeting.

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2020-10-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Dr. Philippe Vialatte, Minister Counsellor of S&T Section, EUD

Dr. Philippe Vialatte, Head of the Science and Technology Section of the EUD, welcomed the representatives from the R&D WG of the European Chamber along with S&T counsels from some member states of the EU.

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2020-10-27 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to The National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee (TC260) on the Information Security Technology-Cyber-Data Process Security Specification (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments to The National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee (TC260) on the Information Security Technology-Cyber-Data Process Security Specification (Draft for Comments)

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2020-09-18 > Beijing

MIIT green supply chain and international cooperation

The directors from MIIT -CIETC made presentations on the Green Supply Chain , namely "What is green supply chain management, why green supply chain management and how to do green supply chain management".

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2020-07-21 > Beijing, Shanghai

Call with EUrelations for a cooperation on their Funding Forum

R&D WG chairperson, Dr. Zhonghua Xu and the WG coordinator had a call with the event organizer of the ENRICH to talk about a potential cooperation on the occasion of the event: Funding Forum.

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