Advocacy Actions

2022-09-27 > Beijing

China-Europe Energy Storage Track II Dialogue: Pathway to Wide Deployment of Utility-Scale Energy Storage

The China-Europe Energy Storage Track II Dialogue: Pathway to Wide Deployment of Utility-Scale Energy Storage was successfully hosted by Energy Foundation China and Carbon Trust, and co-hosted by the European Chamber on Tuesday 27 September. This is the second workshop of the China-Europe Energy Storage Track II Dialogue project, covering the policies, business models, and cost compensation mechanisms of energy storage projects in China and Europe, as well as opportunities and challenges in energy storage investment and financing.

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2022-09-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Working Group Meeting on the EU’s Energy Crisis with EU Delegation and International Energy Agency

The European Chamber Energy Working Group was delighted to welcome Octavian Stamate, representative of the Delegation of the European Union to China, Peter Zeniewski, lead analyst at International Energy Agency (IEA) to examine the global energy crisis and the challenges ahead. This hybrid seminar, moderated by Zhonghua Xu, National Chair of Energy Working Group, took place both offline at the Chamber office, and joined online from 15:00 to 17:00, 23 September. The panel discussion was joined by Robert Xiao, Director of Economist Intelligence Corporate Network, Anders Hove, Project Director at GIZ, Yan Qin, Lead Analyst at Refinitiv, and Xavier Chen, President of Beijing Energy Club.

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2022-09-20 > Beijing

Meeting with Mr Laurent Bardon, Head of the Sustainability and Green Transition section, EU Delegation to China

On 20th September 2022, the European Chamber staff representatives met with Mr Laurent Barbon, Head of the Sustainability and Green Transition section, EU Delegation to China.

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2022-08-25 > Beijing

Meeting with China Biomass Energy Industry Promotion Association (BEIPA)

On 25th August, the European Chamber energy working group representatives had a meeting with the China Biomass Energy Industry Promotion Association (BEIPA).

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2022-08-24 > Beijing

Environment and Carbon Market Working Group Joint Event: The EU CBAM and its Impact on China

On Wednesday 24th August, the European Chamber Environment and Carbon Market Working Groups invited officials and industry experts from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and the Customs Union; the China National Institute of Standardization; the Carbon Research team at Refinitiv LSEG; and the former EU-China Relations Advisor at European Parliament to discuss recent developments with the EU CBAM and its potential impact on China.

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2022-08-14 > Beijing

Comments to the National Hydrogen Energy Standardisation Technical Committee on the standards of Fueling Protocols for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (Draft Revision)

European Chamber submitted specific suggestions on the draft national standard Fuelling Protocols for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles on 14th August 2022.

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2022-07-15 > Beijing

Videoconference with Academy of Macroeconomic Research, NDRC

On 15th July, Kitty Xia, Vice Chair of Energy Working Group; Silvia Wang, Vice Chair of Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group; and company representative from Novozymes had an online meeting with Ye Fujing, Director and Researcher of Academy of Macroeconomic Research, NDRC, on the status quo and outlook of investments and operations of foreign enterprises in China.

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2022-07-14 > Beijing

Keynote Speech at the Daxing District's China-Europe Carbon Neutrality Seminar

On 14th July, the Daxing District Government's China-Europe Carbon Neutrality Seminar was successfully held offline in Beijing and online. Su Hong, Deputy Director of Beijing Investment Promotion Service Center; Cai Xiaojun, Vice Mayor of Daxing District, and the main leaders of relevant departments and industrial parks in the district attended the seminar. Zhonghua Xu, National Chair of Energy Working Group, European Chamber, introduced the working group's work and presented opportunities for EU-China energy cooperation.

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2022-06-30 > Beijing

Meeting with China Construction Eco-Environmental Group

On 30th June, the European Chamber Carbon Market, Construction and Environment Working Group representatives had an offline meeting with a delegation from the China Construction Eco-Environmental Group.

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2022-06-26 > Beijing

Keynote Speech at the International Youth Summit on Energy and Climate Change

On 26th June 2022, the International Youth Summit on Energy and Climate Change (IYSECC) successfully concluded. The IYSECC is an annual event organised by the China Youth Climate Action Network (CYCAN) that fosters communications among elite leaders and the younger generation of youth in energy and climate change. During the summit, Susana Xu, Advocacy and Working Group Coordinator of the European Chamber, presented the European Chamber and its Energy Working Group.

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